At the age of seven months, the baby is just beginningto learn about the world, but he does it quite actively. He can understand the meaning of certain words, perform protective movements with his hands to maintain balance, place small objects in large ones, play various gestural games, for example, "Ladushki". In addition, he already holds his head well when lying on his stomach; lifts his body, leaning on his outstretched arms and shifting the center of gravity from one to the other; easily turns over from his stomach onto his back and back, stands confidently and steps near a support, begins to learn to sit up and crawl independently. And it should also be said that at this age, children experience a strong emotional attachment to their mother and fear when parting with her.
Calendar for the physical development of a seven-month-old child
The development of a child at 7 months is accompanied byan increased risk of getting all kinds of injuries. This is explained by the fact that during this period he strives to expand the boundaries of the world he already knows and learn as much about it as possible. It is at seven months that children begin to actively study the objects around them, examine them, touch them, taste them and test their strength. There is no need to prevent this, but be sure to ensure that your baby does not get his hands on dangerous objects that can harm him. In the seventh month of life, the child gains about 600 g in weight and 1-2 cm in height. Now these indicators are on average from 7.6 to 8.1 kg and 68-72 cm. Also, the circumference of the head and chest increases by half a centimeter. Mothers are recommended, even from the first months after the birth of their child, to start a special calendar in which they will mark the main indicators of physical development. Such a calendar will not only help you remember how small your son or daughter was, but also ensure that your child's development is gradual and as it should be. At seven months, children's neck and back muscles become strong, and as a result, their mobility increases. Now you need to watch your child even more carefully, especially when he is on a bed or changing table, as he can easily roll over and fall. The leg muscles also become stronger. Take the baby under the arms and put him on the floor. This way, he will learn to stand confidently and take his first steps. Thanks to the developing coordination of hand movements, the child can easily learn to grasp small objects with the entire palm. This is called a palmar grasp. At the same age, baby teeth begin to cut. By the first year of life, the baby, as a rule, already has four teeth. But do not worry if you notice that they are in no hurry to appear. A delay of six months or less is completely natural and does not lead to sad consequences. In addition, boys begin to cut teeth later than girls.
Mental, emotional and mental development of the baby
The development calendar shows that at sevenmonths, the child already reacts to extraneous sounds, noise, his own name. He begins to imitate some sounds, can make several sounds on the exhale, understands verbal instructions supported by gestures, shows emotions. The appearance of someone close to him makes him smile, babble. The child tries to pronounce individual syllables "ma", "pa", "ba", "de". An important change in the development of seven-month-old children is the appearance of long-term memory. They begin to distinguish between familiar objects, relatives and strangers. Very often you can observe fear of strangers. The child simply does not know what to expect from them, and gets scared. But as soon as he sees that mom or dad are friendly towards a stranger, he immediately forgets about his primary reaction. The baby explores his body, recognizes himself in the mirror. But he can take a photo of any other child for his own. He learns to concentrate his attention, is interested in little things, details. All his actions are quite meaningful. Even if the child seems to be simply knocking on the wall or a toy, in fact, he is trying to remember the sound and learn the consequences of his actions. At the age of seven months, you can notice the first manifestations of anger. The child will scream, demanding to be picked up or to get the desired toy. He will also start to be capricious if he is picked up by the wrong person, or if he is given something different from what he expected to receive. You should not indulge his whims. The child is already able to distinguish between “can” and “cannot”, and if you strive to make your child more obedient in the future, then this is the right time to develop his obedience before the ban. Do not scream or raise your voice, speak calmly, but confidently and firmly.
Day regimen for children at seven months, meals and sleep
Each child's daily routine can beindividual and depend on his own biorhythm and feeding. Often the baby's diet is predetermined by his sleep schedule. The total number of hours allotted to sleep for a seven-month-old child is from 14 to 15 per day, and usually children do not sleep longer than seven hours in a row. Maintaining a constant sleep schedule is necessary to regulate proper sleep skills. At night, sleep should last 10-11 hours, during the day - 3 times for 1.5 hours. Try to ensure that the child's sleep and feeding occur every day at the same time. This will relieve him of problems with both sleep and digestion. The diet of a seven-month-old child consists of five feedings every four hours. From 7.5 months, you can add ¼ of a boiled yolk to the puree. An addition to dinner can be 1-4 teaspoons of cottage cheese, mashed with fruit puree or milk. Cottage cheese can also be given baked. Gradually let your child try bread, cookies, fish puree, cheese, meat (meat puree). The latter contains proteins and iron, which is absorbed 20% better than that contained in vegetables. Nutrition is an important part of a child's development, so pay due attention to it.
Developing games and teaching the child for seven months
No less important aspect than nutrition isdevelopmental activities with your child. The more time you devote to this, the more actively your baby will develop. Do not expect that he will willingly begin training and will repeat all your actions, but apply maximum persistence and patience to benefit from your activities. Any gestural games that develop motor skills and coordination of movements ("Magpie-thief", "Ladushki") are suitable for this. Let the child begin to assemble a pyramid, master educational toys with buttons, transfer small objects from one bucket to another. At seven months, children respond well to scenes, role-playing games. Put toys to bed with him, feed them. At the same time, clearly say their names, give characteristics (big, small, blue, round, etc.). Communicate with the child as much as possible. Pronounce words slowly and clearly, point to the object they denote. Describe your actions. Engage in the physical development of the child. Use tricks and gimmicks to make him move more, crawl, squat and stand up. Teach him to make decisions. For example, give him two toys, one in each hand, and then offer him a third. This will confuse him, because he will not understand how to take another toy when both hands are already occupied, but then he will learn to free one of them and transfer objects from hand to hand. Do not be upset if the child loses interest in the game. This means that he is tired and needs time to rest. After a short break or sleep, you will continue your activities again. Allow the baby to watch his peers and other children, join in their play. Show him bright pictures of animals, birds, household items, toys. If you notice that the child has stopped near the mirror and is busy studying himself, join him. Let him look at you, show him a toy so that he can compare the real one and its reflection. Children are interested in studying everything they see and finding things that are hidden from them. Turn on a musical toy and hide it under a pillow or blanket. The child will definitely try to find it. You can play with your child even while doing your usual everyday activities. For example, during bathing, give him an unbreakable cup with which he could scoop up water and drink it. This way, he will gradually learn to drink from a cup without spilling liquid on himself. Also, throw a few toys into the bath, and every time the child takes one of them, name it and tell him a story about this character. Do not worry that he does not understand you completely yet and does not focus his attention on your words. In any case, this will benefit him. Start reading fairy tales to your child, introducing him to this activity. Let him look at the pictures, touch the pages, turn them over.
How to determine the degree of development of a child in seven months?
There are several simple exercises,which will help you understand how developed your baby's skills are. To begin, ask him where his mom, dad, brother, teddy bear, and duck are. The child should turn his head in the direction of the object you indicated, if, of course, he knows it well. Ask him to touch your nose, mouth, eye. If he still has trouble distinguishing parts of the face, which is quite normal, prompt him by pointing your finger at the correct one. Place the baby on his stomach and throw a diaper or scarf over his head. With normal development, he will quickly free himself from it without changing his position. If you notice that your child is interested in some object, take it and hold it at arm's length from him. The baby will try to reach for this object, and having got it, he will smile or show joyful emotions. Take the baby in your arms and slowly spin around a bright toy or a screen with a cartoon on. He will try not to let the image out of sight and try to follow it with his eyes. Stand by his crib, but do not react to the child, avoid eye contact or verbal contact. Then he will try to attract your attention to himself, reach out to you, talk to you using sounds. By the way, if he has a habit of throwing all the toys and objects out of the crib, this is also a sign of normal development. And finally, remember that all children are unique and show their individuality from an early age. Do not be upset if your child cannot do what other seven-month-olds do. Better take a closer look, perhaps he does something that others are not capable of. And when you see that your child cannot do something, be patient, he will definitely learn it, and you, in turn, can help him with this.