Time flies inexorably.It seems like just yesterday your baby was born, announcing it to everyone with a loud cry, and today he is already sitting, crawling and even trying to stand on his still weak legs. 9 months is an important stage in a child’s development, when he actively explores the world around him and acquires new skills. The fewer months remain until a year, the faster and more noticeable the development of children occurs. A 9-month-old child should weigh 8.6-9 kg, and his height reaches 70-75 cm. Naturally, these figures are average and parents should not panic if their baby’s height and weight indicators differ slightly from the generally accepted ones. But in the case when there are significant deviations from the norm, the pediatrician should send the baby for examination.
Activity and new child skills
A 9-month-old toddler has an unusualactivity. At this age, the child begins to crawl quite well, and he puts a lot of effort into thoroughly exploring the surrounding space. The baby strives to touch everything, turn over, open and taste, so parents need to hide from him all sharp and small objects, household chemicals, medicines and other things that can harm their son or daughter. To prevent your little one from sticking his fingers into sockets, buy special plugs for them. It is especially dangerous for a baby to be in the kitchen, where danger lurks at every step in the form of a boiling pan or kettle, which he can easily tip over onto himself. Parents need to ensure maximum safety for the baby during his wakefulness, so he cannot be left unattended. The child holds his back well and sits, he can easily sit up from a lying position. 9 months is the period when the baby tries to get up, holding on to his mother's hand or surrounding objects. However, it is still very difficult for him to stand without support. You should not force the baby to stand on his feet if he does not yet want to. Some actively crawling children want to stand on their feet a month or two later than those who do not crawl. The child's speech is actively developing and enriched with new sounds. The baby easily pronounces simple syllables and words "na", "ma", "ba", "mama", "papa", manipulates the volume of his voice and tries to repeat some simple words after adults. At 9 months, the baby easily points his finger at familiar objects that adults name to him and fulfills elementary requests ("give", "take", "come on my hands"). The problem with the potty ceases to exist for most nine-month-old children. Usually at this age, the child makes signs or sounds to adults about his physiological needs and allows himself to be seated on the potty. But there are cases when a 9-month-old toddler fails to "make friends" with the potty. If you have such a problem, pay attention to the potty. Perhaps it is simply cold or uncomfortable for the baby.
Nutrition for a nine-month-old baby
Many nine-month-old babies continue tobe breastfed, but their diet is already quite varied. In addition to mother's milk, they eat milk porridge, soups with meat, fruit and vegetable purees, and fermented milk products with pleasure. At 9 months, boiled sea fish should be introduced into the child's menu, choosing low-fat varieties (hake, pollock). Children prone to allergic reactions should be given fish with extreme caution, starting with a tiny portion. If the baby has enough teeth to bite and chew, you can carefully offer him hard baby cookies or pretzels to gnaw. With the help of hard food, the toddler will massage his itchy gums. However, you should watch that the child does not bite off a large piece of the cookie, as he may choke. A nine-month-old baby should be taught to drink water from a mug. Buy him a small unbreakable cup with two handles that he can easily hold in his hands. Most young mothers think that their baby is already old enough and give him a piece of smoked sausage, a fried cutlet, a spoonful of Olivier salad and other food from the common table. This should not be done, because the child's digestive system is not able to cope with heavy and fatty food. As a result of such overfeeding, the baby will have problems with the liver, stomach and pancreas from an early age.
Toys for children
When buying toys for a 9-month-old baby, give them awaypreference for soft animals, sound and mobile toys. Considering that the modern market of children's goods is filled with low-quality products, buy your baby toys in branded stores or at least demand a quality certificate for the products. The toys that your child will play with should not have sharp or poorly secured parts. Since a 9-month-old baby has a habit of putting everything in his mouth, make sure that his toys are always clean. 9 months is the age when a child begins to assemble a pyramid, push different geometric figures into the right holes and build towers from cubes, so buy these educational games for him. They will not only have a positive effect on improving the fine motor skills of the baby's hands, but will also have a positive effect on his intellectual development. At this age, you can have fun with a baby in a variety of games aimed at improving coordination of movements. Teach your child to play Pat-a-cake, roll a ball with him on a flat surface, ask him to show his nose, mouth and eyes on his face, give him a piece of paper and let him tear it.
Sleep and baby walks
Sleep continues in the life of a 9-month-old babyplay an important role. The child should sleep at least 10 hours at night and rest during the day 1-2 times for 1.5-2 hours. It is important that the baby goes to bed at the same time, in this case he will easily fall asleep and he will always wake up in a great mood. From the age of nine months, you can start reading the simplest fairy tales to the baby before going to bed, because reading perfectly develops the imagination of small children. Normal development of the baby is impossible without fresh air. Walks with mom on the street should become a regular activity. You should not avoid walks in bad weather, because the cold helps to harden the child. Just dress your child warmly and do not worry about anything. It will be good if your baby has his first friends at this age. Nothing develops a child like communication with other children. By the way, a walk can be turned into an exciting game: show your son or daughter flowers, leaves on a tree, a cat, a bird. Invite your baby to copy the bark of a dog or the hum of an airplane in the sky. The child will absorb new information with interest. A 9-month-old child can easily distinguish familiar people from strangers. He is wary of any new person in his environment and may burst into tears if a stranger comes too close to him or picks him up. Adults should remember that a sudden loud cry or shout can frighten the baby, so do not show violent emotions in his presence.
A test for determining the development of the necessary skills of a nine-month-old kid
A simple mini-test will help determine your child's development in the ninth month of life. So, the baby is not lagging behind his peers if he:
- confidently holds the backrest during sitting, creeps behind the toy, rises behind the arms extended to him and rises, can take small objects with the help of both hands;
- he can express his wishes with gestures;
- mimics the simple movements of adults (knock on the table with a spoon, beat with chopsticks on the drum);
- responds to his name, knows the names of mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters, can show subjects after hearing their names;
- smiles with a smile;
- holding on to the support or the hand of an adult, can himself climb a few steps up;
- plays in the company of other children under the supervision of adults, repeats the actions of another child;
- in its own way it reproduces the syllables and words heard from adults;
- expresses the desire to sit down on the potty;
- fulfills requests from elders: "give", "let's go", "eat" and others.
If your child successfully completes mostfrom the above actions, it means that his physical and mental development are normal. Encourage your baby's activity, communicate with him as much as possible, read books and sing songs to him. A toddler surrounded by care and love will grow up healthy and delight you with new achievements.