care bamboo happinessDracaena Sanderiana received amongamateur flower growers have an original name - bamboo of happiness. And indeed, many owners of this plant claim that it attracts luck and positive energy to the house. Of course, in order for the bamboo talisman to work, it needs proper care. This is what we will talk about below.

Features of the content of bamboo happiness at home

Lucky bamboo loves water, especially in summer.In hot weather, it needs abundant watering. The leaves of the plant need to be wiped from dust with a damp cloth, but spraying is not necessary. The temperature range is quite wide - from 18 to 35 degrees. The plant does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to place it in a shaded area of ​​the room. By the way, this plant has another name - lucky bamboo, which means "happy". Sometimes the flower is sold cut - several stems are tied into an original bouquet. People who adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui prefer to wrap the stems of lucky bamboo with red tape with a thematic image. Such a bouquet must be constantly kept in water. Every 5-7 days, the water is changed. It is believed that bamboo care will be more accurate if you add mineral fertilizers to the water.Bamboo Happiness Care

Bamboo transplant and fertilizer

If you are planning to plant lucky bamboo in your home, it would be a good idea to learn about its propagation, as well as how to care for the plant after transplantation.

  • The transplant is carried out in April-May. It is at this time that the plant tolerates this process more easily;
  • Drainage is absolutely necessary - a layer 2 centimeters high. A special substrate for dracaena is used for planting;
  • Bamboo of happiness likes abundant watering, so make sure that the earth in the pot does not dry completely. Ideally, the soil should always be wet;
  • If you need to propagate a happy bamboo from an existing plant, then pinch the shoot on top and leave it in the water until the roots appear;
  • When transplanting, you should not add any mineral fertilizers to the soil;
  • 3 weeks after planting in the pot, you need to feed the plant - just pour it with water with the addition of mineral fertilizers (they will be advised in specialized stores);
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus are also used as top dressing;
  • Many owners add organic fertilizers - horse manure or bird droppings.

So, what have we found out? Well-fertilized soil, timely watering, regular moistening of stems and leaves - these are the main points that are included in the correct care of the bamboo of happiness.

Reproduction by seeds

Lucky bamboo is not only propagated by cuttings, it can also be grown from seeds. Yes, the method is not simple, but it is quite feasible. You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Seeds soaked in gauze and kept at a humidity of 60-80%, until they germinate;
  • Next, the seeds are planted in a box with soil: it must consist of two parts of leaf land, one part of drainage (for example, claydite) and one part of sand;
  • Seedlings are sprayed daily from a spray gun;
  • When the sprouts will appear, they are covered with a piece of polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions: a lot of moisture, light and heat.
  • Three times a day the greenhouse is ventilated, in order to avoid the decay of young plants.

Once the plants reachfive centimeters in height, they are transplanted into separate pots. In this case, only the strongest shoots are selected, since they will definitely take root. It is necessary to care for the young bamboo of happiness according to the above-described scheme. From time to time, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and fall off. This indicates that a small midge has appeared in the bamboo. It hides in the folds and cracks of the stem, so it is quite difficult to notice it. In order to get rid of it, buy a special product and spray the plant. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Due to excessively high temperatures and high humidity, the bamboo of happiness can begin to rot - the stem and leaves become covered with black spots. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it near a battery or heater.bamboo lacquer care

Bamboo Happiness by Feng Shui

The location of the plant in the house, as well as the design of its crown, play an important role here.

  • Three stems in the pyramid of bamboo varnish bring good emotions and happiness to the house;
  • If you want to add to the house financial flows, then make a pyramid of five stems;
  • Strong health will be given to seven twisted stems;
  • Twenty-one stems will fulfill all wishes at once;
  • Place bamboo in the southeast - you will attract both good health and financial flows at the same time;
  • In the south - you will have a certain weight in the society: promotion, respect for colleagues;
  • In the east - love will accompany you everywhere, and in the family there will be a calm and calm;
  • Twisting the red ribbons around the stem of the bamboo, hanging the image of the dog "fu" (according to the philosophy of feng shui it protects the peace of the house), you can strengthen the beneficial energy of the plant.

By the way, experts say that it is possiblemake a bouquet of any number of stems, its magic spells will still work. The only number to avoid is 4: it is considered unlucky. How to twist a stem?

  • Young sprouts bend, wrap them around a straight stalk and fasten with a wire. Once the shoots are compacted, you can remove the fixation;
  • Plant the sprout in the soil vertically and close it with a box, leaving a narrow strip - young sprouts will burst into it, reach for the light;
  • As the young shoots grow larger, the pot should be turned in different directions so that the plant does not twist.

As you may have noticed, taking care of bamboohappiness is not difficult. Especially if you buy a cut bouquet. It lasts a long time, does not require special attention, and also serves as a wonderful decoration for the room. "If you want to be happy - be it!" Remember this and never rely on the power of talismans. You build your own life, and which side it will turn for you depends only on you! We recommend reading:

