Is it possible to feed the cheese and how to introduce it into the diet?

Cheese for nursing women can be consumed, howeveryou need to follow certain rules. The optimal dose for moms is 50 g of cheese every day. The most useful varieties are pickled goat and sheep's cheeses. A product made on the basis of cow's milk, often causes an allergy in a baby.Is it possible to breastfeed a cheeseFresh cheese, the best option for breastfeedingFeeding: Cheese with additives. They can provoke a stomach upset stomach. Do not fit too salty varieties. They delay entry into the body and negatively affect the amount of breast milk. The main rule: introduce cheese into the diet gradually. After taking a small piece, observe the reaction of the baby for 2 days. If he has diarrhea or an allergy, then do not eat the product. Only after 1 month it can be tried again. If there is no negative reaction, then introduce it into the food.

What is useful for mothers when breastfeeding?

Cheese is rich in easily digestible protein. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, PP. It also includes micro- and macro elements: iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, etc. The main advantages of this product are:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the process of hematopoiesis;
  • prevents the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • accelerates the growth of hair and nails;
  • strengthens the skeleton.

In this case, cheese quickly gives a feeling of satiety.

Is it possible to eat cheese with mold, melted, hard, soft Adyghe and others

There are several common types of cheeses:

  • Hard varieties mature for a long time: up to 8 months. They are quite fat and high in calories. These include Cheddar, Parmesan, Swiss.
  • Pickle cheeses ripen no more than 3 months. This cheese has a soft consistency and easily crumbles. These include Suluguni, Brynzu, Ricotta and Fetu.
  • For the production of soft varieties used bacterial leaven and fresh cow's milk. These include the Adyghe, Roquefort, Smolensky.
  • For the production of processed cheese use solid varieties of the product. It adds cream and butter.

The best option is fresh homemade cheesePrepare any low-fat young cheeses. Give up products with a long process of maturation. These foods can be introduced into the diet at least 3 months after birth. Approach the use of cheese with the mind and then it will only benefit you and your baby.

