Very often girls who have grown their hair,face the problem when the roots are slightly lighter or darker than the strands, especially for those who have dyed or bleached their hair before. It is unlikely that such multi-colored hair will adorn girls who want to look natural. In this case, it is recommended to do a full dyeing or toning to even out the color. However, it should be noted that caring for such wealth in this case will be much more difficult. Such manipulations can only be carried out with high-quality, natural strands, so if you paid for real hair, but the hairdresser answers negatively to your question about whether it is possible to dye hair extensions, it means you were slipped a cheap fake.
What you should know before painting
If you decide to experiment with color anddye your hair, for this you should contact a professional, especially the one who performed the extension procedure, as he knows better about the structure and quality of the strands. For example, in no case should you even tint Asian, already dyed or bleached hair, as you risk getting a dry and singed washcloth on your head instead of gorgeous curls. But Slavic products can withstand any tests, but only when they are natural. By trusting your beauty to an amateur (girlfriend, mother, husband), you risk getting different shades on your hair, which in the future will be quite difficult to fix even in a hairdresser.
Coloration at home: brief instructions
If you still decide to save a little andto dye your hair yourself, you should follow the basic rules that will allow you to become brighter without damaging your hair. The first and most important thing is to choose a dye that has a minimum amount of oxidants and no ammonia at all. Those who want to radically change the color are advised to do this procedure before extensions, since in this case it will be easier to achieve the desired shade of your and artificial hair. You must first test the dye on a small number of strands to understand what the final result will be. For example, you can dye a small area behind the ear. You can also use a toning shampoo, which is less harmful and dangerous. You can apply permanent professional dye to extended hair, which is sold only in specialized stores, salons and hairdressers. It costs several times more than regular dye, but in this case you do not risk ruining your already expensive strands. Be sure to ask your stylist what brand and tone suits you so that you do not make a mistake with the color. But remember that you shouldn’t suddenly become a brunette or a redhead if your hair is light, and vice versa.
Rules for staining hair extensions: how to do it
The procedure itself begins with division intosmall and thin strands, after which the dye is applied to the roots. After five to ten minutes, depending on the intensity of the desired color, you can begin to dye the extensions. Be careful that the mixture does not get on the attachment points, as this may cause hair loss or tangling. But if this happens, immediately wipe the liquid with a napkin. When finished, you should thoroughly rinse your head with plenty of water, apply a special balm to preserve the color, then rinse it off again. In the future, you will need to use shampoos and conditioners for moisturizing. In some cases, it is recommended to dye only visible strands to cause less trauma. This procedure can be carried out entirely during correction, when the hair is removed and extended again. If you decide to dye your hair after everything has been reattached, you will have to wait a few days. No manipulations with your hair are allowed during the first twenty-four hours.
Unpleasant consequences of improper staining
Paint it so that it will be even lateryou are ashamed to go outside, you can do it in a professional beauty salon. There are many reasons for this: bad and low-quality paint, artificial hair, erroneous determination of the type of strands, inexperience of the master, etc. What will be the consequences of this? Firstly, the discrepancy between the obtained and expected result. For example, you wanted to become dark blond, but got a chestnut color. Of course, this is not so bad, but walking around with a shade that you do not like at all is not always comfortable. The next disappointment that can overtake you after the procedure is hair damage. As already mentioned above, not all strands can be dyed, since some of them undergo special treatment before extension. In the best case, your hair will cease to be alive and bright, in the worst case, it will begin to tangle, fall out, as a result of which you will have to remove the hair and repeat the procedure again. Therefore, you should decide in advance whether you will experiment with style in the future or not. Cases of allergic reactions to professional paint are not uncommon. This happens because it contains a special component, the purpose of which is to fix the result. It is thanks to it that you will not return to the previous color after several hair washing procedures. It is quite difficult to find a product that does not contain PPD, and its cost will not be affordable for everyone. But if you still buy such a dye, remember that you will have to use it much more often than usual, as it is quickly washed off. It should also be taken into account that this component is prohibited in many European countries, as it is toxic. Thus, we can conclude that you can dye hair extensions, but it is better to do it with the master who did your strands. You should not try to save on your beauty, as you always have to pay for quality work. If you do not have the necessary amount for a professional, it is better to abandon this idea altogether than to suffer the consequences later. If your hairdresser makes a mistake and ruins your hair, he will be obliged to do repeated extensions for free. We advise you to read: