How to calm a crying baby

The crying of a child is his way of communicating witharound the world. Long and hard crying to kids is harmful. Children's tears weaken the nervous system, bring the baby anxiety and harm the health. From loud and blasting crying, the baby can develop an umbilical hernia.Soothing tea for babies improves sleep and relieves nervous tensionSoothing tea for babies improves sleep andrelieves nervous tensionPhoto: Getty Most often, babies cry from hunger, colic, pain, fear, wet diaper or other discomfort. His crying is too loud, invocatory and staccato. He will not rest until his mother removes the cause of his discomfort.

  • Give the baby a breast if he cries for hunger.
  • Warm the baby with a blanket and change the diapers if they are wet.
  • Expand the baby if it is uncomfortable in the diaper. A change of position will help to calm the baby.
  • Remove excess clothing from the child, and ventilate the room if it is stuffy.
  • Shake the baby, stroke on the back - this will help him to calm down, if his ear, nose, or neck hurts. Be sure to call a doctor.
  • Warm the baby's tummy with a warm diaper, and give a calming tea for babies with fennel if the baby has colic.
  • Do a gum massage if the baby is starting to cut teeth.
  • Whatever crying is caused, the toddler experiences and needs protection of adults. Touch and care are important to him. Mom's hands are able to calm the baby. Often do light massage to a child.

    How to calm a baby before bedtime

    Children also get tired and often cry,that they want to sleep. At this point, do not try to distract the baby with rattles and subspecies games. To calm the baby and prepare him for sleep, there are several proven ways:

    • a warm bath;
    • feeding;
    • swaddling;
    • nipple;
    • quiet sounds;
    • booing in the ear;
    • rocking;
    • mother's voice;
    • massage;
    • stroking the backrest.

    You can take the baby in your arms, shake,simultaneously stroking the back and singing your favorite lullaby. The baby must feel comfort and coziness. Children can be capricious because of a bad mood or during illness. In this case, to calm the crying of the baby will help warm drink, change of position and hands, give the child to the father or grandmother. Be interested in the kid's toy, walk with him, roll in the stroller. Ways to calm the baby very much, improvise. Read also:

