How to play checkers with kids

The game of checkers is a great influence on the development of the baby. After all, for such contests, the perseverance and logical thinking of the child improves. Therefore, child psychologists recommend attaching children to this board game from the age of 2-3 years.checker rules for beginnersThe rules of the game of checkers for beginners are quite simple. Photo: Getty The main goal of the game is to “pick up” all opponent's checkers. Rules:

  • Chips of the opposite color are set in three horizontal rows on different sides of the game board. Put the checkers on the black squares.
  • The moves are performed by the opponents in turn one by one, and the player with the white chips moves the checker first.
  • The figures move along the horizontal fields of black.
  • If behind the opponent's checker there is an empty cell, then the player must “pick it up”. To do this, he moves the piece to an empty square, and the “battered” checker is removed from the board.
  • In one move an unlimited number of pieces beats.
  • If the player did not notice that he can take the opponent’s checker, then his chip is taken “for the fuk”.
  • The figure that has reached the opposite side of the board becomes a "woman". This checker moves along the entire length of the row.
  • The chip can "beat" both in the forward and in the opposite direction.
  • Wins the player who takes all the pieces.the adversary. If only queens remain on the board, then no more than 15 moves are allowed, after which the winner is determined or a “draw” of the game is appointed.

    How to play "Chapaeva"

    This type of checkers game improves fine motor skills and the baby’s eye. It resembles billiards, but the chips are knocked out with a flick of a finger. Rules of the game:

    • Place the chips of the opposite color in two rows opposite each other.
    • Knock out opponent's checkers one by one with a flick of your finger. At the same time try to keep your chip on the board.
    • The move proceeds to another player, if the opponent's chip remains on the board, or with it the checker fell.

    The winner is the one who knocks out all the checkers.the enemy beyond the board. To make the game more interesting, build complex designs. Teaching a child to play checkers is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient and explain the rules to him. And then he will love this game and become a worthy opponent.

