What names can never be called people

Aspiring to allocate the child from crowd of kids,parents are sophisticated in choosing a name. It is more terrible for them to see a child with the same name in the kindergarten than to put their child to the test with a sonorous nickname.3 names that can not be called children3 names that can not be called children includethose that are used for insulting Photos: Getty To ban certain names in secular society can only be an exception, the Church is more serious about this. Father will not baptize the child with the names:

  • Jesus;
  • Lucifer;
  • Stupid.

In the latter case, the child will be called a churchthe name chosen by the priest. Names that imply offensive nicknames are encountered in practice, although infrequently. Calling a child in honor of God or Satan is considered blasphemy, he will not add fame or luck to the baby.

Why not call a child after a relative

In some families, the child is named after his father,why there are such difficultly pronounced names as Alexander Alexandrovich, Yuri Yurievich. The people believed that if you call the baby as a close relative, then they will have 1 guardian angel for two. There were even more terrible predictions that one of the two would have to die, to make room for another. Do not give the name of a deceased relative who died "not by his own death", so as not to project his fate.

Meaning of the name

It is considered that each name has its own meaning. How do you name a child, so he will go through life. In olden times in Russia they were given names, "programming" the destiny of the baby. In the name of Hrabr, they gave the boy whom they wanted to see brave and brave. Lyubava's girl was supposed to please the hearts of others. Modern names are usually not tied to personality traits, and this is the right of parents.

How else should you call a child

For the benefit of the child, the following groups of names should be avoided:

  • The names "unisex": the name of Eugene is more suitable for a boy, and Julia is for a girl.
  • Nicknames tied to political or sporting events: Oktyabrina, Olympiad.
  • Names of heroes of cartoons, foreign singers and fairy-tale characters that comically combine with their patronymics: Shrek Petrovich, Matthew Vasilievich.

Female names for boys can not formnecessary to the child of the male personality traits. The same can be said about the male names for girls. Before you name a child, collect information about the given name. How would you like to see your baby. Remember that a strange nickname will not let the baby relax at school or in the work team.

