bronchial asthma in children Bronchial asthma overtakes people without looking attheir age. Very often, children become victims of this insidious disease. Unfortunately, among boys and girls this disease is quite common. However, after learning that your baby has bronchial asthma, do not despair. Despite the fact that the disease is quite dangerous, the level of modern medicine allows people suffering from bronchial asthma to lead a practically full life, although with some restrictions. What is the disease? A person suffering from bronchial asthma, has a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract. In all cases of the disease, doctors can observe significant changes in the reactivity of the bronchi. If we talk about children, it should be noted that almost always with the development of a child's bronchial asthma in the basis of the disease are those or other allergic mechanisms. It is in connection with this that asthma in children has the status of an allergic disease. This is a rather complex ailment that requires systematic adequate treatment. We will write below about the methods of combating it.

Causes of development in children of bronchial asthma

As already mentioned, bronchial asthma in children in98% of cases are allergic in nature. The development of the disease occurs as follows: the child is in contact with a certain allergen or even their group. In the child's body, sensitization to these substances occurs and, as a consequence, the occurrence of severe allergic reactions, which, in turn, affect the bronchi and provoke the development of asthma. All parents are primarily concerned with the question of what can become an allergen for a child. As a rule, moms and dads in this matter have the most modest knowledge, believing that allergies in a child can cause a very small number of foods: milk, honey, strawberries. The most knowledgeable of them know that allergies in the child can cause domestic dust or animal hair. However, in fact, this is only a small part of what can trigger the development of an allergic attack:

  • All foods that have a red or orange color.
  • All food containing preservatives and artificial colors, as well as flavor enhancers.
  • All the sharp smells: oil paint, acetone, gasoline.
  • Dust, but not only ordinary household, but also library.
  • Pollen of plants, especially in spring and summer.

Of course, this is only the most general and far fromfull list of possible allergens. In addition, very often the children's organism is able to respond with an allergic reaction to the most unexpected, and sometimes completely harmless, substance, for example, kefir or semolina. Therefore, it is impossible to say unambiguously which irritant can lead to bronchial asthma. Of course, not necessarily any allergic reaction should manifest itself precisely in the form of this disease. Often, the allergy can manifest itself in a different way - seasonal pollinosis, atopic dermatitis, hives. However, if a child often suffers from acute respiratory diseases, acute, and even more so chronic bronchitis, the risk of developing such asthma increases tenfold. So, for example, often the first time this ailment in a child appears against the background of bronchitis of any viral disease. Also, the triggering factors for the development of asthma in a child may be a hereditary predisposition, which occurs if one of the relatives suffers from the disease. The closer the relative who is affected by this ailment, the higher the risk that the child will become a victim of bronchial asthma. In addition, problems with the digestive system, especially dysbiosis, also increase the likelihood of the disease. asthma in children

Symptoms of bronchial asthma in a child

In order for the results of treatment of bronchialasthma in children were the most successful, the diagnosis should be detected as early as possible. Remember that the appearance of this disease in time will be noticed by those parents who spend a lot of time with the child. However, that moms and dads could suspect the wrong, they should have an idea of ​​what signs indicate a possible development of the disease. So, the signs of bronchial asthma in children.

  • Cough: the presence of a constantly dry cough in the child, especially if it appears in the night or morning hours and is not accompanied by either a temperature or a sputum discharge. If such cough lasts more than three days, parents need to seek medical help.
  • Attacks of suffocation in contact with allergens. If you notice that after a child's contact with such allergens as pollen, dust, animals, medicines, a son or daughter has started a strong attack of coughing, lacrimation or, even more so, suffocation, immediately call an ambulance team . Or take the child to the nearest medical institution on your own.

Diagnosis of bronchial asthma in children

For successful treatment of asthma in children, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely and correct manner. The correct diagnosis of bronchial asthma is carried out in several stages:

  • Anamnesis history

First and foremost, the doctor should carefully examinemother, father and the child. And the questioning of parents begins with the moment of pregnancy: the specialist finds out how it proceeded, whether there were complications, or how the delivery was. After that, the allergist doctor will ask parents about what the child was sick during the life, carefully study his medical card. Parents should tell the doctor how long seizures began, under what circumstances they occurred, how the child feels during and after the attack.

  • Determination of the allergen, which causes the development of the disease

The next and one of the most important stagesdiagnosis of bronchial asthma is the identification of the allergen or their group, which also provoke the development of seizures. At the moment, the most popular are the so-called skin tests for the allergen. They are not only the fastest and most affordable, but also the most reliable, which is why most allergy doctors use them. For the conduct of skin tests, the inner part of the forearm is bare, make a few small scratches. After that, immediately on these wounds is applied an aqueous solution of all known irritants: house dust, animals and food allergens, plant pollen. Approximately half an hour after the allergen solution was applied to the damaged skin, the doctor proceeds to evaluate the results. In case the skin around the wound is red and condensed, it means that the baby's organism reacted to the allergen that was injected into the wound. Consequently, this stimulus with a very high percentage of probability will provoke the development of an attack of bronchial asthma. But despite the fact that this method of diagnosis is extremely convenient and simple, there are some limitations. For example, skin tests should not be performed immediately after an attack, as the results may be distorted. And even more so you can not conduct skin tests during the attack - it will significantly complicate its course. To obtain objective data after the last attack should take at least five days. Another disadvantage of this method of detecting allergens is that the doctor receives only general information. In order to conduct a more detailed diagnosis, it is necessary to make an immunological study of the child's blood for the presence of specific bodies.

  • Determination of the degree of disruption of the respiratory system

The last stage in the diagnosis of bronchial asthmais the determination of the severity of the disturbance of the child's respiratory process. For this purpose, the doctor spirometry spirometry is a procedure during which the main indicators of the respiratory process are recorded. bronchial asthma in children treatment

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children

As such, the treatment of bronchial asthma in childrendoes not exist. The main task of parents is to eliminate the child's contact with the allergen, and the task of the doctors is to conduct therapy aimed at desensitization. In case of success of these measures, as a rule, it is possible to completely prevent the onset of asthma attacks. So, for example, if it was possible to establish that the reason for the onset of asthma attacks in a child is the animal hair, it is necessary to exclude all contacts of the baby with our smaller brothers. If the cause of allergic reactions is any food allergen, the child must comply with a special therapeutic diet - with the complete exception of his diet product that causes allergies. In the same case, if it is impossible to remove the allergen from the child's environment 100%, it is necessary to perform a special antigen-specific immunotherapy directed at desensitization of the child's organism. It consists of the following: according to a specially selected scheme for the child, an allergen is introduced into his body. As a rule, the beginning of such treatment causes a rapid exacerbation of the disease. However, the stock of substances fighting with the allergen in the body runs low, and it eventually ceases to react so sharply to the stimulus.

First aid for asthma attacks

The main danger that lies in wait for a child,suffering from bronchial asthma - is the development of an attack of severe suffocation. And it is very important at this moment that the baby was given emergency help. In order to stop an attack of bronchial asthma, the child should be allowed to inhale the drug, sprayed with a special inhaler. These drugs very quickly remove the constriction of the bronchi - acute bronchospasm. There is a wide enough choice of such inhalers. And for children, Salbutamol is most often used. However, in no case you can not buy inhalers yourself - they should be prescribed only by your child's doctor. Bronchial asthma in children is a serious disease, so self-medication in this case is not appropriate. We advise you to read:

