Initially, curtains served humanity forprotection from drafts and bright sunlight. And people were not very concerned about the question of how to choose curtains. Time passed, and curtains turned into an important element of the room decor. In the modern world, there is an abundance of textiles and related accessories for every budget and taste, from timeless classics to ultra-modern avant-garde. As a result, the problem of choosing curtains turns into a difficult task. You need to take into account everything: the general style of the interior, the size of the room, the location of the window, the degree of illumination of the room, and its functional purpose. Naturally, it is really difficult to take into account absolutely all the nuances of the choice. Nevertheless, you can start from the fundamental selection criteria. Let's try to figure out how to choose curtains, taking into account the type of fabric and the functional purpose of the room.
Choose a fabric
Today, for the production of curtainsиспользуют самые различные виды тканей самых разных расцветок – органза, бархат, шерсть, репс, шелк, хлопчатобумажная ткань… Фактур материала еще больше: блестящий и матовый текстиль, гладкий, набивной, с аппликацией и прочие изыски. Заядлые модники выделяют из общего ряда тафту, которая сочетает в себе изящество и роскошь и идеально подходит как для гостиной, так и для кабинета. Среди фаворитов остаются шелк и органза-хамелеон (однотонная переливающаяся ткань). Последнее время стала популярной и органза в стиле хай-тек, в которой пропущены алюминиевые нити. Такие нити блестят при освещении, меняют цвет полотна с горизонтальной строчкой, делят полотно на полосы с яркими оттенками, а в итоге смотрятся потрясающе эффектно. Модными цветами по-прежнему остаются «оранж» и «баклажан». Однако специалисты рекомендуют при выборе штор для спальни, отдавать предпочтение не столь ярким тонам, а предпочесть спокойные пастельные расцветки. Последний писк моды – шторы, сшитые из бледно-голубой полупрозрачной ткани с надписями фоне светлых квадратов: «home», «dream», «love». Растет и спрос на дорогостоящий текстиль из шерстяных и лавсановых нитей со сложной вышивкой. В моду возвращается двойной тюль, украшенный кружевом. Лидерами искусственных материалов остаются вискоза с добавлением хлопка и льна, а также практичный полиэстер. Шторы из таких тканей непритязательны в уходе и хорошо драпируются. Не менее популярны и разноцветные сетки с добавлением полиэстера и блестящих металлизированных нитей в стиле хай-тек, а также тонкий цветной флизелин, который напоминает иней, мерцающий на окне. Среди натуральных тканей лидирует лен, который по праву считают экологичным материалом. Материал настолько высоко котируется в странах Европы, что многие европейские фабрики занимаются изготовлением специальных льняных коллекций. Чаще всего в производстве таких тканей используется лен с различными добавками, которые улучшают его свойства. Лавсан придает полотну блеск и легкость. Вплетенные золотые нити делают гардины роскошным вариантом как выбора штор в зал, так и в качестве украшения гостиной. Пестрая вышивка на льне, а также веселые рисунки помогут разрешить вопрос, какую штору выбрать на кухню или на дачу. Последнее веяние моды – жатый тюль и ткани с оригинальным рисунком, вытравленным кислотой. А настоящей фишкой в текстильном дизайне стала ткань с узором из резиновой нити – так называемая резиновая накатка, весьма эффектно смотрящаяся в сочетании с плотными шторами, которым она придает стереоскопический объем. В технологичную обстановку современного дома отлично впишутся занавески с крупным геометрическим рисунком в ретро-стиле, а ценителей классики стилей порадует возможность выбора штор в тон антикварной мебели в полоску, крапинку или же с цветочным рисунком. Такие шторы станут гармоничным элементом интерьера, например, в добром английском стиле или в уютном бидермейере. Стоит отметить, что солидные шторы из бархата и шелка требуют подклада, защищающего их от выгорания на солнце, скрывающего швы и помогающего держать форму. По совету опытных дизайнеров его лучше делать контрастным по отношению к цвету основной ткани.
Choosing curtains for children
The main purpose of curtains for a child's room iscreating a cheerful atmosphere in the child's room. How to choose the right curtains for a child's room? Do not indulge in sophistication, but rather give preference to simple shapes and ease of use. The main rule applies here: fabric is primary - style is secondary. Of course, you need to consider the overall style of the interior of this room and its color scheme. However, do not clutter the window in the child's room with multi-layered draperies or decorate the room with ultra-fashionable avant-garde curtains. Opt for environmentally friendly hypoallergenic fabrics and materials with rich and bright tones. Use the opportunity to combine fabrics of different textures and colors. And most importantly, do not get clever with complex curtain rod mechanisms. And if you install one in the child's room, make sure that the child understands the curtain control system.
Choosing curtains for the bedroom
The bedroom is a special place where a personspends almost a third of its life. Therefore, the curtains in the bedroom should fully meet your individual taste. However, the recommendations of professional designers should not be neglected. What do they say about choosing curtains for the bedroom that will preserve its coziness and intimacy? It is best to choose a set of curtains that will allow you to rest peacefully in this room both during the day and at night. Curtains should fit into the overall interior, and at the same time evoke a feeling of coziness. It is important that the curtains for the bedroom emphasize the individuality of the owners and add a certain charm to this room. Choosing curtains at the same time as the bedspread is considered a sign of good taste. Therefore, designers also recommend purchasing them at the same time, coordinating them with each other in color and style. If this is not possible, then decorative pillows will help to make a smooth transition between the bedspread and curtains. Curtains with lambrequins can turn even a miniature room into a cozy boudoir, which is especially important for the bedroom. However, such curtains will fit better into classic styles. Heavy curtains made of thick fabric will also be appropriate here, capable of separating the intimate room from the bustle of the outside world, dimming excess light and absorbing street noise. But for a bedroom decorated in a modern style, light translucent fabrics, as well as fashionable Japanese, Roman and Chinese curtains are more suitable.
Choosing curtains for the living room
The living room serves a completely different purposefunction. This is the room where family celebrations are held and guests are received, where every day all family members communicate and relax together. Therefore, curtains for the living room are usually chosen as ceremonial and formal. However, design experts do not have any clear recommendations regarding the choice of curtains for the living room. In this case, it is worth relying on the general trends in home decoration, taking into account the preferences and tastes of all family members. Specialized stores offer a wide selection of curtains of different styles: classic, modern, high-tech, techno. Here you can find the usual sets of tulle and thick curtains, and asymmetrical curtains and drapes. Naturally, with such a variety, it is easy to be tempted and choose something completely different from what suits the interior of your living room. Therefore, it is worthwhile to clearly think through the style of the curtains you need in advance. As a rule, curtains for the hall are sets of tulle and fabric curtains, complemented by a lambrequin. But even such traditional curtains can be easily transformed by making them into grabs or decorating them with decorative elements - fringe, clips and other special accessories for curtains. As a rule, curtains for the hall are sewn from thick heavy fabric, so it is necessary to purchase highly durable cornices for them. High-tech curtains create a special atmosphere in the room. They are able to refract light in such a way that they take all the emphasis. Asymmetrical curtains affect the perception of the shape of the room. At the same time, the popularity of modern and classic curtains, distinguished by rich draperies, exquisite lines, a variety of colors and patterns, does not fade. Curtains in the living room are a kind of calling card of your home. It is they that guests will first pay attention to, and it is by them that they will judge the taste of the owners. Do not forget about this when choosing curtains for your living room.
Choosing curtains for the kitchen
If in addition to family members there are other people in the living roomstrangers, then the kitchen is a more intimate place, where the sacred process of cooking and communication of all close people at the table takes place. When deciding on the choice of curtains for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account many factors, each of which plays an important role. The style of the interior, the practicality of the fabric, as well as the ability to create the most pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen - these are the main points that determine the choice. What curtains to choose for the kitchen? Heavy curtains and expensive elite materials are definitely not for the kitchen. So-called Roman blinds made of materials that are easy to wash are currently very popular. If desired, you can install cornices in the window opening, blinds, curtains or airy curtains that barely reach the level of the windowsill. The best alternative to salon curtains are Roman blinds or roller blinds, which, with the help of simple mechanisms, are easily lowered and raised, being installed directly in the window opening. Modern workshops offer curtains with a special automatic remote control. A kitchen designed in the techno style deserves special attention. Curtains that are chosen for a kitchen decorated in one of the traditional styles will definitely not fit here. But curtains with a geometric pattern or curtains made of transparent organza and shiny metallized fabrics will look great here. Curtains, like the kitchen itself in the techno style, should be simple and laconic. They can be either Roman blinds or Japanese panels, which are distinguished by their ergonomics and functionality. However, the classics never go out of fashion. Therefore, connoisseurs of traditions and adherents of classic styles should pay attention to natural fabrics. Traditional chintz or linen curtains with flowers or stripes will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, where there is solid wooden furniture, potholders and towels are hung on the walls, and the table is covered with a tablecloth. In short, the choice is yours.
We use interesting ideas
Modern fashion trends dictate not onlytexture and color of fabrics, but also the methods of its draping, where traditional design with an abundance of decorations and details peacefully coexists with the charm of a self-sufficient element of the interior decoration. The beauty of original curtains does not require special emphasis, since it is difficult to muffle it with anything. An individual and unique composition can be created using the simplest techniques: assembly, knot, throw. Now there is a tendency to stop using heavy curtains and expose the windows, as a result of which the curtains look weightless and airy. An alternative to standard curtains has become the "layer cake" options, when more than two curtains are used at the same time - translucent and one thick night curtain. Designers recommend periodically adjusting the home interior, updating the curtains. This is cheaper than doing repairs, and gives many more possibilities. Everyone knows what curtains are in the store, but why not make your own curtains that no one else will have? Collect squares of different fabrics of the same density into a single whole and drape them carefully - you will get unique curtains. Another original option is to stretch beautiful panels on sliding frames that are located on guides. In this way, you will create colorful light-proof screens. A great way to transform old curtains is to make appliques on them in the same color as the wallpaper. In general, curtains are a unique thing in which our imagination has a great scope. Which curtains to choose is a purely individual question. We recommend reading: