flowering of orchids All orchid owners rely on theirlong and abundant flowering. But sometimes the period of hibernation of a plant can be prolonged. And then the question arises: "why does not the indoor orchid blossom?" Let's look at the necessary conditions together so that the flowering of the orchids continues for as long as possible.

What do orchids need for a happy life?

It can not be said that the phalaenopsis is the mostdemanding houseplants. Create favorable conditions for their flowering is quite simple. The main thing is to observe literally two factors: the ratio of water and lighting. Most often, problems with this plant begin because of improper irrigation. It is universally believed that watering an orchid is not necessary more than once in ten days, but it is not so. There is a direct relationship between the illumination of orchids, the temperature of the contents and their watering. As for temperature, the law also operates here: the brighter the sun (the stronger the illumination), the higher the temperature. In such conditions, the flower actively absorbs water and increases the green mass or produces a flower stem. Owners of orchids need to remember: the more light, the more often you need to water phalaenopsis. If a flowering orchid, under the condition of sufficient illumination, watered in the regime "once in 10 days", then it will simply start eating itself. The liquid from old tissues will go to create conditions for the appearance of new ones. As a result, the lower leaves will turn yellow, and the flowers will be shallow, and the bloom itself will not last long. Another very important condition for the successful maintenance of orchids is the soil in which it grows. It is important that it is as air-tight as possible. Do not forget - in nature, orchids grow right on the trees, their root system can easily rot with improperly selected soil. By the way, looking at the air roots of the flower, you can judge how comfortable he lives. In natural conditions, the orchid is attached to a branch, but it does not feed on air, but searches for air roots with wood humus, which accumulates in cracks in the bark. Releasing new roots, the flower finds food even on neighboring branches. So, if your orchid has grown very long air roots, which are trying to get into pots with other plants, think about it, but does it have enough nutrition? Usually, the less food the orchid found in the pot, the longer it grows the air roots. the orchid does not flower

How to understand that it's time to water the orchid?

Let's say that you just became the ownerphalaenopsis and, having carefully examined the roots in a transparent pot, decided that it was time to water it. However, for a correct evaluation of the soil, only one glance is not enough. To finally understand, you need to water the plant or not yet time, take a wooden stick and stick it into the ground. Now take it out and see if there are any signs of dampness on it. If the wand remained completely dry - the orchid can be watered smoothly, and if not - it is better to postpone this procedure for a couple of days. They drink phalaenopsis water only in the daytime, so watering them at night does not make any sense. You can choose any method of watering: from dipping the pot with the plant into the basin, before bathing in the shower. And in order that in the future it would be easier to understand when to water the orchid, leave a wooden stick in the pot with the plant, by its dryness it will be easy to determine the need for water procedures.

A little bit about the flowering of orchids

Peduncles appear from the so-called sleepingkidneys that are located between the leaves. If the conditions of the maintenance of plants are as close to natural as possible, the question - why the orchids do not bloom, will never arise - the peduncles will appear constantly. On average, the duration of flowering ranges from ten days to six months. After the plant has faded, one can never say with certainty over what period of time it will blossom again. The only thing that can be said is that an adult and healthy plant should bloom at least once a year. If after the last flowering more than twelve months passed, and the orchid is not going to throw out new buds, it means:

  • Your plant is in a stressful situation or is generally sick;
  • You should carefully inspect the orchid for pests or fungi, and make sure that there is no decay of the root system;
  • Reconsider the conditions of the flower and adjust the arrival of light and inputs.

If your plant is left for some reasonwithout roots, do not expect that it will begin to bloom soon. While there is no flowering, the orchid directs its forces to recovery, otherwise it may die. Perhaps due to improper care (in particular watering) the phalaenopsis rotted top, where the growth point is, and now the plant tries to grow lateral processes. There is an opinion that orchids bloom immediately after transplantation. This is fundamentally wrong. Recently transplanted phalaenopsis will block the appearance of peduncles for several months, because at the moment the main task for him is fixing in a new place. beautiful flowering of orchids

How to make an orchid bloom?

In some cases, the flowering of orchidsis delayed even when the most favorable conditions are created. They begin to actively build up leaves and roots, and they do not want to please flower stalks. In this case, it is recommended to remind the plant of its native regime and just stop watering. Often after such a shakeout, the orchid throws out the flower stem, as it decides that the drought period has come. It is at this time that the orchids bloom, being in natural conditions. Sometimes orchids do not bloom because there is no difference between day and night temperatures. Provide her with a drop of at least 4-5 degrees, and the problem will disappear - your orchid will necessarily throw a flower spike. To feed the soil during the growth period should be very carefully, since excess fertilization leads to the fact that the orchid begins to "fatten" (intensively increase the green mass), but blossoms refuses. When purchasing an orchid, do not forget to find out from a store consultant what care is needed for this type of plant. After all, the wrong content can lead to the fact that the flower will never please you with fragrant buds.

