Is the sex of the child important when you see the cherished twostrips? Reasonable mother will say: no, the main thing is to be healthy! But it turns out, this question is not rhetorical at all. Scientists have proved that it is more dangerous for women to be pregnant for women's health.A photo: Getty ImagesPregnancy tests the future mother's body for strength. First, it is toxic, then there is heartburn, swelling and other "joys" of an interesting situation. But that's not all. The baby in the womb sleeps, gets food, oxygen, and ... emits harmful chemicals through the umbilical cord! Which can trigger oxidative and inflammatory processes in the mother's body. Specialists at the University of Granada found that boys have this ability higher than girls. In addition, scientists believe that newborn girls themselves cope with the harmful effects of the environment better than the stronger sex. This scientific discovery was the first of its kind, because no one has yet stated that there is a connection between oxidative and inflammatory processes with the sex of children. What does it mean - to give birth to boys is harmful? Not at all! Just need to be more careful about your health and do not miss visits to the doctor.

