basic nutritionThe basics of proper nutrition were well knownpeople in ancient times. However, unfortunately, the pace of modern life dictates its own conditions and people have completely forgotten simple truths. And it is in vain, since a person's health directly depends on his nutrition. Today we want to remind you of the basic principles of proper nutrition, which will help you avoid many problems. Please note that all the recommendations below are designed for a healthy adult. Children, teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from various chronic diseases - all of them should consult a nutritionist who will help you choose the optimal diet that will benefit the body.

Nutrition and health

It is not enough to eat this or that product -the body must absorb it. Did you know that digesting food requires a huge expenditure of energy from the body? Therefore, you can eat only when the body is ready to spend this energy. It is quite easy to find out about this, since the signal is unmistakable - a feeling of hunger. Otherwise, you should not eat, since food will clearly not be beneficial - it will only overload the body. Moreover, the feeling of hunger should be real, not imaginary. Do you want lobsters? Hmm.. Think about it, do you want a piece of regular bread? If not, then in fact you are not hungry at all. When the feeling of hunger is strong enough, just the thought of a piece of bread or potatoes will make you salivate profusely. In addition, you should not eat immediately after intense work or physical exertion. Even if you feel a strong feeling of hunger, wait at least 30 minutes - otherwise, food will not bring a feeling of satiety, but discomfort in the digestive tract. The same applies to a person’s emotional state — if you are overexcited, upset or scared, you should refrain from eating until you calm down. After you eat, you should also not immediately overload your body too much — rest for at least 10 minutes. Of course, this does not mean that you should lie down on the couch — you can, for example, wash the dishes. The benefit is double — it is good for the body, and the dishes are clean. Very often you can observe attempts to feed a person who is feeling unwell. The argument in all cases is approximately the same — the body needs strength to fight the disease. But in fact, this is not so at all — by forcibly feeding a person, you deprive this very strength, since the body has to spend energy, which is already deficient due to the disease, on digestion. Therefore, remember once and for all — If the body needs food, it will ask for it - a sick person will feel hungry. By following these simple principles of proper nutrition, you will make your life much easier.the correct basis of proper nutrition

Culture of food

Food culture is far from emptysound. After all, without it, there is no point in talking about proper nutrition, as you understand. There are several simple rules, the knowledge of which will be very useful to you in the future:

  • Taste and appearance of food

What does a modern person's dinner look like?In most cases, it is something shapeless, made from semi-finished products - for example, dumplings or cutlets. There will be little benefit for the body from such a dinner, believe me. Well, maybe the fat cells will be happy - after all, a huge amount of calories are guaranteed to you! The very first rule - the food should be tasty, and this means that you need to cook it yourself. Secondly, the presentation of the dish plays an important role - it should also be pleasant.

  • Tableware and table setting

Since we're talking about aesthetics, we can't help butmention the dishes and table setting. Review your plates and cups - dishes with cracks and chips belong in the trash! And it doesn't matter at all that this cup was a gift from a friend, and that plate you brought back from a business trip. In extreme cases, if they are so dear to you, put them away in the cupboard. All dishes should be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. The same applies to table setting - a stool by the sofa in front of the TV is not suitable. Lay out a beautiful tablecloth, buy elegant napkins, put a bouquet of flowers, after all. Perhaps this is a bit of a hassle, but very soon you yourself will get used to it.

  • Use of cutlery

There should be not only a fork on the table, but alsoA serving knife is a must! And not even because everyone should be able to use cutlery, but also because a knife makes a person eat more slowly. This means that the food will be chewed more thoroughly, which is very, very important! Poorly chewed food is practically not absorbed and only harms the body. Never eat on the go, no matter how much you are in a hurry - you can always find time for a normal meal. If you have a bad habit of reading or watching TV while eating, you need to give it up. If your attention is distracted from food, the risk of overeating is very high, since you will not notice the body's signal that it is full. By the way, the rule that says that you need to get up from the table a little hungry has not yet been canceled - the feeling of satiety comes in about 15 minutes.

  • Do not cook for future use

What do you think most people do?women on weekends? That's right, they cook in reserve for almost a whole week. However, you should try to avoid this - cook food for one time. After all, there is absolutely nothing useful in a reheated dish, only the same ill-fated calories.

  • Watch the food temperature

The condition of the oral cavity is very negative andThe mucous membrane of the stomach is affected by too hot or cold food. The optimal temperature of the dish should not be lower than room temperature, but it should not burn your lips under any circumstances. By the way, they say that alternating cold and hot food, for example coffee with ice cream, is also highly inadvisable.

Meal time

We must not forget that time is also very important.meal. After all, no one has yet cancelled the biological rhythms of the body. Of course, we will tell you about the ideal meal schedule, but since everyone has a different daily routine, you will have to make a small adjustment for the wind, so to speak.

  • Breakfast

A well-known proverb calls for breakfasteat it yourself. However, recent studies by nutritionists have proven that in practice the picture is different. Eating too much food earlier than two hours after waking up is a kind of stress for the body. And this is confirmed by a huge number of people who note that they have to eat through force, reluctantly, in the morning. Of course, if you go to work in the morning, you still need to eat. But let your breakfast be light - scrambled eggs with bacon will not be the best option. And take something to snack on to work so as not to suffer from hunger until lunch. However, the snack should be light enough so as not to overload the body.

  • Dinner

But at lunch you can have a real feastbelly - of course, within reason. It is at lunch that you can afford to eat a hearty meal - nutritionists recommend eating meat dishes at this time. The optimal time for lunch is from 13.00 to 14.00. If you have lunch at work, make sure that your lunch is complete.

  • Dinner

Almost all people are sure that the latterMeals should be no later than 6 p.m. But in fact, this stereotype is extremely wrong - it lost its relevance when the vast majority of people stopped going to bed at 9 p.m. In fact, dinner should be no later than three hours before bed. So it all depends on your schedule. Go to bed at midnight? Then you can safely have dinner at 9 p.m. And before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or juice - just don't forget to brush your teeth afterwards.useful foundations of proper nutrition

You are what you eat

The diet of modern man is appalling- There is no need to even talk about proper nutrition. Therefore, if you want to start eating really properly, you will have to radically revise your menu. You need to exclude from it:

  • Any canned food, be it fish, meat or vegetable.
  • Artificial preservatives and colorants.
  • Any semi-finished products.
  • All sauces, except sour cream and mustard.
  • Sausage products, including sausages. And it does not matter whether they are dairy or smoked.
  • Carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

In addition, nutritionists recommend reducing the amount of the following foods consumed:

  • Flour products, especially rich.
  • Salty foods, especially if you have a tendency to swelling.
  • Any sweets, especially chocolate.
  • Potatoes.

Don't rush to loudly complain - you definitely won't die of starvation. There are quite a few healthy products that you can eat without any harm to your health:

  • Any vegetables - both raw and thermally processed.
  • Fruit. But remember that sweet varieties contain a lot of carbohydrates.
  • All without exception, porridge, except for semolina.
  • Sour-milk products, especially cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Low-fat varieties of cape and fish.
  • Seafood. But remember - in some cases they can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Try to keep your diet balancedquite varied - for example, Monday is fish day, Tuesday is meat day, Wednesday is milk day, Thursday is buckwheat day. This way you won't get tired of the monotony of the menu. I would also like to talk about the method of cooking. As a rule, our favorite dishes are fried. But it is fried foods that you should completely give up - they cause the greatest harm to the body. Ideally, dishes should be boiled or steamed. As a last resort, if you really want to, you can bake the dish in the oven, limiting yourself to a minimum amount of fat. And even better - use foil or a special baking sleeve. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to change and give up bad habits in one day. And you shouldn't - this will be a difficult test for your psyche. Better slowly but surely - for example, you can make it a rule to give up one harmful product every week, replacing it with a healthy one. Such a transition to healthy eating is more correct, as it reduces the likelihood of returning to the previous menu.

Interesting Facts

We offer you some interesting facts about healthy eating. Few people know about this, but all these facts are confirmed by many years of research by nutritionists.

  • Soup

Who doesn't know about the benefits of soups? Probably.Even a toddler in a junior group of a kindergarten knows that you need to eat soup to avoid stomach pain. In fact, soup is not only unhealthy, but also harmful to your stomach. Especially if it is followed by a second course. When the broth gets into the stomach, it mixes with gastric juice, thereby reducing the concentration of hydrochloric acid. As a result, the food is not digested thoroughly enough, and then gastritis is not far away.

  • Drinking regime

It is highly not recommended to drink anything with food -for its normal chewing and subsequent digestion, saliva and gastric juice are quite enough. The only exception may be very dry food - it is permissible to wash it down with a small amount of plain water at room temperature. In all other cases, it is not recommended to drink an hour before a meal and within an hour after eating. By the way, about water - an adult should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. And not tea or coffee, but plain water. And the first glass of water should be drunk in the morning, 15 minutes after waking up. The only exception to this rule - people suffering from diseases of the urinary system. They should talk to their doctor about their drinking regimen.

  • Fruits and vegetables

If you want fruits and vegetables to bringyour body, try to choose those that grew in the region where you live. Of course, in the middle zone this is very difficult - the winters are too long. But at least in the summer, give preference to local apples, and do not buy their imported counterparts.good nutrition basics

Lose weight with proper nutrition

Most often, people are interested in healthy eatingrepresentatives of the fair sex, who are actively fighting extra pounds. We know about this, so we have created a sample menu for the day especially for them. Of course, you will quickly get tired of eating like this every day, but you will get a rough idea of ​​what your diet should be like.

  • Breakfast

Your breakfast should consist of complexcarbohydrates, which are all types of cereals, legumes and flour products without exception. Considering the fact that you are trying to lose weight, it is best to give preference to rye bread. Any fruit, except grapes and bananas, will not be superfluous. For example, you can eat a bowl of oatmeal with a piece of bread and an apple. It is quite acceptable to put a spoonful of honey or jam in the porridge.

  • Lunch

In case your task is to fightoverweight, you should have at least five meals, so you can't do without a second breakfast. The second breakfast can only be fruit. For example, prepare a fruit salad and season it with a teaspoon of natural low-fat yogurt.

  • Dinner

Complex carbohydrates will also be available at the way, but in smaller quantities than in the morning - about 100 grams. In addition, you can't do without animal protein at lunch - fish, meat. Of course, only low-fat varieties. For example, you can cook chicken stew with rice porridge.

  • Afternoon snack

For an afternoon snack, you can eat unsweetened natural yogurt or any vegetable - tomato, cucumber. It is not recommended to eat fruits for an afternoon snack, because of the glucose content.

  • Dinner

The holy rule of a person losing weight -exclusively protein food for dinner. Protein is fish, meat, and dairy products. In addition, you can eat a small amount of thermally processed vegetables. For example, prepare For dinner, you need to eat as much protein-containing food as possible. This, as already mentioned, is meat, fish, and dairy products. Also, a small amount of vegetables is permissible for dinner. An ideal dinner would be steamed fish with a vegetable salad dressed with kefir. The portion size is also very important - it should not be larger than your fist. At first, this volume may not be enough for you to feel full, but only for the first few days. Then the stomach will contract and you will stop feeling hungry. Of course, with such a diet, you will not lose weight as quickly as you would like - strict diets are more effective. But this effect is very insidious - as soon as you return to normal nutrition, the weight will return in full. And it is simply impossible to stay on a strict diet your whole life - it is fraught with psychological stress and health problems. But if you master the basics of proper nutrition, a good figure and excellent health will become your faithful companions for life. A tempting prospect, isn't it? Your life is only in your hands! We recommend reading:

