indian isle of goa In our time, it is very important to rest on Goa. Tours to this resort are organized all year round. Goa is located on the west coast of India. It borders with the state of Maharashtra (in the north), with the state of Karnataka (in the south and in the east), in the west of Goa, the waters of the Arabian Sea are washed. What are the attractions of Goa there? In fact, there are an uncountable number of them. Goa is divided into the Northern, Central and Southern territorial part. Each of the parts has its own special landscape, color and infrastructure. No less interesting are the sights around Goa. Consider the most famous sights that are recommended to visit. What are they special about? calangute

Attractions in North Goa

The northern part of Goa has gained popularity in60th years of the 20th century. This part is known for the constant holding of trans-parties and the hippie community that has chosen this place. Arambol beach, located in the northern part, is very popular. His popularity he gained from a beautiful freshwater lake and the unique beauty of the rocks. The famous landmark of northern Goa is the flea market, which is located in Anjuna. There was this market in the 60's. The work of the market is carried out only one day a week - on Wednesdays. These are places where artisans bring their products from all states of India. In the market you can find products made of bronze, cotton, silver, various crafts made of wood. Someone, coming to Goa, seeks to visit the nightclubs, which are just located in North Goa. The town of Kalangut is famous for its nightclubs "Mambo" and "Tatos". The most visited and popular is the nightclub located in Baga. The club, located on the top of a small mountain, is considered the largest and is called "Club Cubana". Baga and Kalangut are distinguished by a high level of comfort and European polish. Here you can easily find a lot of shops with cheap goods and seasonal cafes. There is a possibility of accommodation in cheap hotels or guest houses. There is in this part of Goa and the only hotel complex level of 5 stars ("Taj Group"). There are shops and restaurants more than a high level. These include "Sinquerim" and "Candolim". Fortitude Aguada is especially colorful. This is perhaps one of the most famous forts of Goa. It was built in the early 17th century and served as a bastion against German and British offensives. It has not been destroyed for centuries. So, up to our time, perfectly preserved all 79 guns, with the help of which the defense was carried out, and the arches. idalkao palace

Sights of Central Goa

The modern capital of Goa is Panaji. It is worth saying that Panaji is the smallest capital in all of India. It is located on the south bank of the river with the name Mandovi. The oldest and most beautiful is the old quarter, which is called Fonteynes. The descendants of the first Portuguese still live in Fontaines. Expensive and new buildings are located on the hill of Altigno. A beautiful view will open if you climb to the very top of the hill, from where the whole city is seen as in the palm of your hand. The main attraction of Goa is the Church of the Immaculate Conception. It was here that sailors came to pray, going on a voyage. Very remarkable is the 15th century building, which has huge dimensions. It is called Idalkao Palace and is the palace of the dynasty Adil Shah. In 1615 it was rebuilt and used as a fort to protect Panaji. In our time Idalkao Palace is occupied by the secretariat. It is necessary to allocate time for a shopping trip. The main shopping street is the street on June 18th. Here you can buy quality souvenirs, jewelry from silver and gold, designer products of India, silk, cotton and linen products for the home and much more. On MG Road you can find sports goods and clothing of famous Western brands such as Nike, Levis, Benetton and Lacoste. Be sure to buy cashew nuts, Indian tea and a local drink, which is called fennie and sold in a beautiful gift box. Not far from Panaji (9 km) is the old Goa, which, before the arrival of the Portuguese, was the second capital of the Kingdom of Bijaypur. The capital of the Eastern Portuguese possessions was Old Goa in 1510 under Alfonso de Albuquerque. The sales in Old Goa at that time were about the same as in Amsterdam. Goa meanwhile became an important religious center. Today, you can still find some functioning churches. Many of the pre-existing churches have now become state-protected museums. The most famous are the Church of St. Francis Xavier of Assisi, which is still in effect today and the Cathedral. The construction of the Cathedral lasted about a hundred years and began when King of Portugal House Sibastio. In the rich interior of the cathedral, the life of Jesus and the saints was displayed. Two bell towers crowned the facade of the Cathedral, but eventually one of them collapsed. On the second belltower was the biggest bell in Goa - the "Golden Bell", which got its name due to the rich sound. The Church of St. Francis Xavier is considered one of the most interesting buildings of Old Goa. It was built in 1520, and was rebuilt in 1663 (as the Archbishop's Palace). The interior of the church is notable for its attractiveness. The ceiling and walls are decorated with carved wooden panels and gilding, and the Altar is decorated with beautiful paintings written on wood. The church received a special celebrity due to the fact that it preserves the incorruptible body of St. Francis Xavier. Francis Xavier was the ancestor of Christianity in Japan, China, Ceylon, etc. Once in 10 years the body of St. Francis is put on display (for 54 days). Millions of people are given a unique opportunity to see his body. pond

Ponda and surroundings as attractions of Goa

The largest city in the eastern part of Goa isPonda. It is located at the intersection of major highways, which in recent years has allowed it to become one of the most visited and densely populated cities of Goa. In the vicinity of Ponda there is a huge number of Hindu temples, which are recommended to visit. The two main features of Goan Hinduism are the Mangeesh Temple. It is erected in honor of the deity Mangesh, which is revered exclusively in Goa. The appearance of the temple combines several architectural styles. The Christian influence is shown by the octagonal tower above the sanctuary, the balustrade roof design and the façade made in colonial style. The dome of the temple is an element of Muslim culture. One kilometer from the Mangesh Temple is the Mahals Temple. It is located in a small village of Mardol. Mahalsa is the Goan embodiment of Lord Shiva in the guise of a woman. Among the local residents, the temple is very popular, the Mahalsa is considered among the believers people by the goddess of the world. The temple, namely its interior decoration, simply amazes with its splendor. Here you can see the high windows with shutters, huge wooden columns, a silver ornament that adorns the entrance. One of the most famous in Goa is the Temple of Shantadurg. It was built in 1738, during the rule of Saz Raja of Satar. The temple is located in a very picturesque place. It is always crowded with believers and numerous tourists. One of the incarnations of the wife of Shiva Parvati is the Goddess of Shantadurg. Parvati, being one of the most influential goddesses, can accept both the quite nice image (Shanta) and the evil (Durga). sava plantation

Savva Plantation and Dudsagar Falls as India Attractions

Not far from the city of Savva (6 km) is locatedPlantation, which will allow you to get acquainted with the flora of the state of Goa. The area of ​​the plantation is 40 hectares. The plantation consists of both mountainous terrain and plateau. This allows you to grow different types of plants and trees. The tour of the plantation lasts about 1.5 hours. you have the opportunity to see coconut palms, grapefruit trees, tobacco, breadfruit, papayas, interesting jack trees - with fruits weighing up to 20 kg. In the highlands you can see growing mangoes, bamboo, cocoa, pineapples, nutmegs, cashews. Plantation Savva is a great place where you can buy various spices and souvenirs. In Molema, on the eastern border of the states of Karnataka and Goa, is the Dudsagar waterfall. The waterfall cascades fall down from a height of 600 m, and then flow through the Devil's Canyon. This waterfall is considered one of the highest in India. To get to it, you need to make your way through the jungle. On the way you can see wild buffaloes, bison and about 300 species of various birds. At the very foot of the waterfall is a small lake with crystal clear water where you can swim. On the territory of Central Goa there are also reserves. One of the smallest is the Bondla reserve, the area of ​​which is 8 km². Wild boars, leopards, monkeys, bison, deer, turtles, crocodiles, porcupines wander freely around the territory of the reserve. you have the opportunity to observe animals in a natural environment. There is a botanical garden and even a children's room in which there are absolutely all conditions for finding babies. You can also take a small train that will take you past waterfalls, through the jungle, past the ruins of an ancient temple. A few kilometers into the depths of the park is an observation deck, from which you can see bears, leopards, lynx, spotted deer and many other animals. It is best to visit the reserve late at night or early in the morning. colva

South Goa Attractions

The southern part of Goa is much more picturesque andmore interesting than the northern one. In the Southern part of India there is a huge number of wide and long beaches, palm groves, creaky sand. This area of ​​Goa is considered the most respectable. It is here that the most expensive hotels in Goa are located. It is worth noting that the infrastructure of southern Goa is developing significantly - new shops are opening, hotels and clubs are being built. On the coast there are many beach cafes, many of which offer seafood dishes. The center of southern Goa is Margao, the second most important city after Panaji. Fairs are very popular here, and every Friday two big bazaars are opened here, where you can buy everything from souvenirs to clothes. This city is known for its majestic houses, gardens with an abundance of trees and exotic flowers. The most lively place in southern Goa is Kolva. And if 10 years ago there were only two houses here, now you have the opportunity to see here a lot of shops, hotels and restaurants. There is a well-known, although a small cafe-bar with a dance floor. The most romantic beach of Goa is Palolem. White sand, coconut palms - this is rich in the beach. Here there is a large number of cafes, many of which work until morning. The Arabian Sea and the rivers should be considered a landmark of Goa. Sea and river walks are very popular here. There is an opportunity to make a trip to the island of Grand. Along the way, you can see floating dolphins, and you can even swim with a mask and fish, from which you can prepare a dinner. A walk on the Floating Palace is one of the most fascinating journeys. You will have the opportunity to see various small villages, Catholic cathedrals, Hindu temples, located along both banks of the river, as well as rice plantations and palm groves, on which the local population is working.

Things to do around Goa

Arrived in India for the first time necessaryit is recommended to visit Hampi. The usual program takes two days and one night. You can get here by jeep or by train. The most amazing place in India is the ruins of an ancient city called Vijayanagar, which are not far from Hampi. The city was founded by Princess Telugu and was the former capital of India's largest empire. Hampi always gathers a huge number of tourists. For a day or two you can get acquainted with all the sights of this area. The main tourist points of the city are Kamalapuram village and Hampi bazaar. The ruins of Hampi can be divided into 2 main parts - the Royal Center (located to the south of Kamalapuram) and the Sacred Center (the area around the bazaar). Part of Hampi, which is called the Royal Center, is markedly different from the northern territories. This place has gathered the most important sights of the city, including the Elephant and the Lotus Mahal. Lotus Mahal is a structure that is an artfully decorated pavilion in a building enclosed by a wall and known as Zenan's fence. It perfectly combines Islamic and Hindu styles. The name of the structure is due to the bud of the Lotus, which is carved in the very center of the domed ceiling. The elephant is presented in the form of a huge building, which has vaulted rooms. Earlier here they held royal elephants. A little farther to the south is the so-called Royal Center with skilful waterworks and various temples. There is also Virupaksha - an underground temple, and the Royal Bath, which has impressive dimensions. To the north of the river called Tungabadra is a dilapidated fortress called Agnondi. It is located among the rice fields. This is a great place where you can take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the scenery. There are many different churches here, among which stands the temple of Hanuman, which rises on top of a stone hill. The sights of Goa differ in their variety and breadth. Goa is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in India and one of the best world resorts in Asia on the coast of the Arabian Sea. It will take a lot of time to visit all the sights, but at least some of them are recommended to visit.

