Nowadays it is not at all uncommon whenyoung girls and boys are still looking for a job - these are high school students who want to earn extra money during the holidays, and students who want to combine study and work. And young professionals who have just left the walls of their alma mater do not always get a job by assignment. It is for young people that our story about how to behave at a job interview will be interesting, so that a potential employer sees you not as a green girl, but as a promising young business lady. There are many details that can affect how a recruiter perceives you. And how you behave will be one of the most important indicators. It is important not only what you say, but also how you look and what manners you can shine with. A recruiter is often interested not only in how qualified you are for the job (he understands that experience is a matter of time), but also in what personal qualities you have and how well you will fit into the team. How should you look and behave to make a good impression?
Let's talk about the appearance
The impression you make is very important.your appearance to the interviewer – and this will also affect the results of the interview. People get an impression of each other within a few seconds of meeting, so the importance of your appearance is huge. But this does not mean that you should wear a sexy outfit and put on impressive makeup – clothes should emphasize not your physical, but your business qualities. Dress according to the situation If you are going to an interview in the office, then you should wear a business suit – a strict light blouse, a classic dark skirt. In the cold season, the suit will be complemented by a jacket or a jacket of a classic cut. Shoes should not be too bright and extravagant. In addition, cosmetics and perfumes should be kept to a minimum. In no case should you wear shorts, tops, mini-skirts – this would be too unprofessional behavior. If you are going to an interview for a job in a profession where business suits are not usually worn (for example, the media or McDonald's), then you can dress more casually. But never wear jeans to an interview, because in them you will look like that green tomboy you are trying so hard to hide from the stern eyes of the recruiter. Of course, for teenagers who are getting a part-time job or a summer job, the rules are not so strict. The girl's dress should be, at least, neat and tidy, and the choice of style is at the discretion of the applicant. Hair should be neatly combed The way your hair looks can say a lot about your personality. Therefore, it is very important that your hair does not hang down haphazardly over your shoulders or is not covered in styling products so that it seems artificial. And in general, an excessive amount of gel or wax can make you look not only unprofessional, but also quite frivolous. Especially do not overuse gel with a "wet hair" effect - this is only forgivable for thirteen-year-old teenagers. Hair should be neatly combed and styled. If you have long hair, it should be pulled back - it is better to pull it into a ponytail or a bun. Hairpins and headbands, if you wear them, should be very modest, almost unnoticeable. Remember - you are not at a beauty contest, and nothing should distract the attention of others from your personal and business qualities.
How to behave - simple rules that bring success
And so we approached the most important thing: как же надо вести себя и что нужно говорить, чтобы впечатление от вас было именно то, на которое вы рассчитываете? Правильно приветствуйте интервьюера Ваше приветствие будет, вероятно, самым первым контактом с интервьюером, поэтому очень важно показать себя с лучшей стороны с этих самых первых секунд. Зайдите в комнату спокойно — не мешкая, но и без излишней суетливости. Поздоровайтесь внятно и четко, глядя в глаза рекрутеру (зрительный контакт вообще очень важен, поэтому старайтесь поддерживать его на протяжении всего разговора). И обязательно представьтесь. Сядьте правильно Вам почти наверняка предложат сесть на стул. Вы должны сесть так, чтобы вам было удобно сидеть в течение продолжительного времени, но при этом чтобы вы позиционировали себя, как внимательная слушательница. Наш совет: сядьте либо на край стула, либо вплотную к его спинке. Распространенной ошибкой является то, что почти все садятся на середину стула; это приведет к тому, что у вас очень быстро затекут ноги и устанет спина. Вы ссутулитесь, сами того не замечая, и это полностью разрушит образ успешной леди, который вам так хотелось бы воспроизвести. Не перебивайте интервьюера Всегда давайте рекрутеру договорить до конца, прежде чем начнете говорить сама. Это вообще основное правило общения с людьми. Поставьте себя на место интервьюера, и вы поймете, что быть прерванным на полуслове может быть грубым и очень раздражающим, особенно если вы собираетесь сказать что-то очень важное. А вообще, ваша торопливость может быть лишней, потому что вполне возможно, что то, о чем вы хотите спросить, интервьюер и так упомянет во время разговора с вами. Будьте терпеливы, слушайте внимательно все, что говорит рекрутер, а вопросы оставьте на то время, когда он закончит говорить. Кроме того, помните, что всегда можете спросить о том, что осталось для вас невыясненным, в конце собеседования, когда интервьюер спросит, есть ли у вас какие-то вопросы. Поэтому не торопитесь говорить, дайте высказаться рекрутеру. Проявите уважение к другим, и вы вызовете уважение к себе. Покажите свою уверенность Не стоит вести беседу с пораженческой позиции. Не надо паниковать или быть слишком вялой или безразличной. Это создаст образ совсем не того человека, с которым хотелось бы сталкиваться по работе каждый день. Будьте уверены в себе и в своих способностях, не проявляя при этом дерзость или самолюбование. Вы должны показать, что вы — именно та девушка, которая вела бы себя в коллективе дружелюбно, отлично при этом выполняя свои обязанности. Поэтому расскажите о своих достижениях в интересующей вас обоих области, оставаясь при этом скромной. Сохраняйте позитивный настрой Вы должны стараться улыбаться и сохранять положительный настрой во время всего собеседования. Если то, что вы слышите, звучит для вас не слишком хорошо, не хмурьтесь и не смотрите недовольно. Просто сохраняйте легкую улыбку на лице, пока не настанет время что-то сказать. Тем самым вы продемонстрируете отличное самообладание и силу характера, что явно сыграет в вашу пользу. Поддерживайте зрительный контакт Еще раз хотим напомнить о важности поддержания зрительного контакта. Если вы переводите взгляд на предметы, лежащие на столе, или водите глазами по комнате, то вы вряд ли произведете впечатление человека, заинтересованного темой разговора. Вот попробуйте представить себе, что рекрутер, пока вы говорите с ним, водит взглядом по сторонам – вы сразу решили бы, что не интересны ему, как собеседница, и что ваше собеседование наверняка провалено. Ведь правда? Золотые правила, позволяющие добиться успеха Твердо запомните, что вы должны делать:
- Know the exact time and place of the interview, so as not to get lost and not be late.
- To arrive in advance, at least 10 minutes before the interview, so that there was time to look around and put yourself in order.
- To treat all people working in the office,politely and with respect. Even if it's a guard or a cleaning lady. By the way, their opinion about you can also be taken into account when deciding whether to provide you with a job.
- Listen carefully to be sure that you correctly understand everything the recruiter is talking about.
- Ask for clarification if you do not understand the question.
- Answer the questions not too broadly and talk about your successes, if possible, by supporting the words with concrete examples.
- Demonstrate a positive attitude. The interviewer evaluates you as a potential employee; so show me that you are the person with whom you can work comfortably together.
- Try to talk about your business qualities, commensurate with the values and priorities of the company.
- Make sure you understand correctly what steps will be taken next to you; find out when and from whom you can hear the results of the interview.
- Immediately after the interview, make notes for yourself so as not to forget later some important details of the conversation.
How not to behave in an interview
You yourself should understand how you shouldn't behavelead – just remember everything your mother taught you when you were little, and everything will be fine! And yet, we want to remind you of some rules: Do not be late You have to meet with a person who is at work and is very busy, and most likely has interviews with other candidates. It would be better for you if you had a few minutes before the meeting to collect your thoughts, and not to rush into the room where you are scheduled for an interview, cursing under your breath and trying to collect your thoughts. If the delay is not your fault (anything can happen in life!), do not hesitate for a minute, call the recruiter and warn him about your delay, briefly explaining the reason. Do not be rude This rule applies not only to the recruiter, but also to everyone you meet in this organization, including the guards, the person who shows you the right room, junior staff and other candidates for the vacant position. We are sure that they do not deserve such treatment, and you do not know how their opinion will affect your future (remember, we have already talked about this?) Do not forget names For every person, the most pleasant sound is his name spoken out loud. Do not forget the name of the person you are talking to, and whenever possible, call him by name. If you are invited to a second interview, make sure that the respondent will be talking to you as the first time. Do not enter into confrontation Your interviewer may well ask you some difficult and even provocative questions or challenge your answers. This is not a personal attack, so remain calm and, if necessary, insist on your point of view - you need to show that you can keep your cool under pressure. By the way, such questions are most often asked precisely to see your reaction in a conflict situation. Try not to lose face! Do not lie This is very important. If you do not have work experience, do not say that you have already worked. If you are asked about your personal position on the company policy, do not say anything you are not too sure about. Do not give false information about yourself. Do not forget that your words can be checked. Body language You should be aware of several common mistakes that people make when talking to someone. We will list only a few of them that you should avoid when coming to an interview:
- Try not to fidget during a conversation. This indicates lack of self-confidence.
- Do not sit with your arms crossed over your chest, because it speaks of your distrust and of the fact that you are not telling the whole truth about yourself.
- Do not shrug your shoulders if you are asked a question onwhich you find it difficult to answer on the go. Better not answer immediately, but consider the answer for a few seconds. Shrinking the shoulders will create the impression that you do not know the answer to the question at all.
- Do not answer with a nod or a negative shake of the head. Use words when answering questions.
Some forbidden things
- Do not make excuses by denying your mistake. Take responsibility for your decisions and actions.
- Do not make negative comments about other places where you had to go through interviews.
- Do not take care of the interview casually, as if you just walked around the neighborhood shops, and wandered here along the way. This is offensive to both the interviewer and the organization he represents.
- Do not let the impression arise that you are only interested in the geographical location of the organization (proximity to your home and other).
- Do not create the impression that the prospective salary interests you more than the work itself.
- Do not show that you are in desperate need of employment and would agree absolutely on any job.
- Finding a job and passing an interview can be a hard job, causing disappointment. Do not show your disappointment or negative attitude during the interview.
- Do not chew gum during a conversation; it is also unacceptable to go into the office in a cloud of tobacco "flavor."
- Do not let your cell phone ring atinterview time. If this does happen, apologize and quickly disable it. You can not view a text message, distracting from the conversation. This will show disrespect to the interlocutor.
- Do not take your parents with you for an interview,wife, groom or girlfriend. If you are not independent enough to come to the interview alone, then you will not appear old enough to be recruited.
We hope that you will be able to evoke positive emotions in the recruiter with your appearance and behavior. We wish you success! We recommend reading: