how to wean a puppy to bite How cute and amusing they are, these babies! So direct, playful, touching! And at first we are not even annoyed by the loud, gurgling yelp, nor the mournful night whimper (until you get to the crib), no pools around the house, no persistent biting during the games. All this for the time being touches and causes only positive emotions with tides of tenderness and enthusiasm. However, the baby is growing, and with it growing problems - problems with the upbringing and maintenance in the dog house. For example, innocuous and almost painless biting puppy very soon become very tangible. And if there are children in the house, then they are also unsafe. How to wean a puppy to bite? This question is relevant for almost all new dog owners. Let's listen to the advice of professionals and experienced amateur dog breeders.

A bit of zoopsychology

Why does the puppy bite? It turns out that this behavior is quite natural for a small dog. Teeth in dogs (as, incidentally, in other predators) are one of the main tools for survival. With the help of teeth, they defend themselves, extract and absorb food. And in puppyhood the dog learns to use the instrument given to it. It happens on the level of instincts. Puppies bite during games with the mother or siblings and in this way learn to regulate the power of the bite. In addition, this behavior helps establish a hierarchy of relationships in the canine community. How does this happen in the pack? The kid bites his fellow tribe and by his reaction understands how great the power of the bite. If the bitten puppy screams, then the "kusaka" next time will be more cautious or do not bite his brother at all. When the baby enters your home, your family becomes his family. Therefore, he continues to behave, in the same way. And it's instinct and life experience that make him do it. It is with the help of biting that the puppy invites the owner (hostess) to play. And what is the answer? One of the two: either drives the kid, or accepts the invitation. Repulsion puppy perceives as a continuation of the game, and if the owner begins to play with him, then the split dog gives full power to its sharp teeth. Often, the kid enters into excitement and begins to bite with anger, showing an aggressive mood. This behavior can become habitual for an adult dog if the owner does not puzzle at the question "how to stop the puppy from biting" on time and does not re-educate the bully. how to stop biting the puppy

Re-education methods

The first thing that professionals recommend is toys. Play with the dog not with bare hands (or feet), but with toys. Let it bite them, not you. If the baby still grasps your hands or your clothes with your teeth, do not let him do this by slipping a toy for a bite. Just do not forget to continue the game. Very soon his need to bite during the game the puppy will realize with the help of a toy. And if he wants to invite you into the game, he will bring a toy to you and will shove it into your hands (or nudge him), showing your intentions. If everything happens this way, then the problem is solved! You can use a more "natural" method: behave like a dog. Namely, as soon as the attacker bites you, scream (or publish another similar sound), step aside and show that you did not like it. The kid will understand that he did something wrong, that he hurt you and upset his beloved Man. If you act like this, then soon the puppy will start to bite less often, and then stop altogether. After all, he wants to play and communicate, and "biting" stops the game. If your puppy is stubborn or simply does not want to change his habits, or if you have not managed to cope with this problem until the baby has permanent teeth, you will have to be tough (but not cruel!). The situation, when the puppy continues to bite the owner after four months of age, means that the dog tries to dominate, considering itself the main in the family. In this case, it is necessary to let the puppy know who is the master of the house. How to do it? As soon as the challenger for the title of leader starts to growl and bite, take him by the withers, press the muzzle to the floor, look straight at the eyes and firmly say "can not!" (Or another prohibiting command). And then declare the dog a short-term boycott (about twenty minutes). By the way, some cynologists and zoopsychologists advise at the moment of clarifying the primacy of the owner also growl! Dare to try it? What not to do in any case, is to shout and beat the puppy. First, he can take your behavior for the element of the game, and secondly, just take offense and get angry. Be wise, because you are a reasonable person, and your dog is just an "unreasonable child." How long have puppies bitten and how can they be weaned from such a "bad habit"? Everything depends on you, and to some extent on the dog itself: its temperament, character, and intelligence. In any case, only your patience, perseverance and delicacy will help to solve the problem and re-educate the little stubborn. He will understand you and will learn everything! Otherwise, it simply can not be because a dog always understands a person. The main thing is that he knows how to explain it to her. We advise you to read:

