We also decided to turn to his experience andprofessional knowledge and collected his most non-standard recommendations to parents on how to prepare the children's body for the cold and kindergartens, so that the child came out victorious from the struggle with adaptation and cold.Photo: @ uakomarWearing a sleigh in the summer! This is solely about the fact that the child must walk barefoot all three summer months, in only panties and panamka, drink cold village milk, bathe in the river and live in the care of his grandparents in the village. Such a vacation will undoubtedly benefit not only the child, but also its parents. A healthy generation's mortgage is mom, dad and fresh air. Here, with the doctor, I absolutely agree and are also ready to say the decisive "No!" To TVs, telephones, computer and game consoles. All on the street !!! Play in classics, football and Cossack robbers, look for secrets, ride roller skates, bicycles and samokatah.Pyl has the right to exist. Sterile conditions of the child's detention only harm his health, says the national doctor. There is nothing wrong with dust, dirty hands and an apple that has fallen to the ground. This is not only not deadly, it is a kind of training for baby immunity.Doctor Komarovsky advisesA photo: Getty Images A child knows better than adults whether he wants to eat or not. The problem of almost all parents, except, perhaps, very busy, feed the child. Every second mother sincerely believes that her child is hungry, undernourished and generally without energy for a whole day. Komarovsky sure, a hungry child will always ask for food and will not be silent for anything if he wants to eat. The same food that compassionate grandmothers and moms cram into a child, clearly does not do him good, and in many cases even leads to obesity.Doctor Komarovsky advisesPhoto:Getty ImagesReplace your vitamins with a varied diet. Whether or not to feed a child with vitamin supplements is up to each parent to decide for himself. However, their benefits are greatly exaggerated, the doctor said. Better to look for vitamins in food. one product from each group presented: fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat and cereals. Better to be supercooled than sweaty. What is it about? About the layering of clothing. There should be enough of it so that it does not interfere with movement and does not cause a greenhouse effect in the child. As a rule, children are more likely to get sick from sweating than from being cold. In no case should a child have more clothes on than adults. This is the wrong approach!Doctor Komarovsky advisesPhoto: Getty ImagesSleep conditions matter! Having penetrated the theory of Komarovsky, I am sure that he would gladly recommend to the whole population to sleep in the open air in sleeping bags. But nobody will support this idea. Therefore, he recommends in the child's room before going to bed to do a wet cleaning, open the window for the whole night and, wishing "good night", leave the child alone, allowing him to throw off the blanket and sleep an asterisk in a cool room. The thermometer on the wall should show +18. These are ideal conditions for a healthy sleep. If the parents will be calmer, you can put on a child a light pajamas, and then the blanket will not be needed at all. Get ready for a kindergarten from birth. Do in time preventive vaccinations, harden, live in a similar regime, have a wide range of communication with other children and not be afraid to part with the child, leaving him on bail to grandparents, aunts and uncles. To be ill with childhood illnesses is normal. And naturally. The more often a child goes "into the light", the more likely he is to catch chickenpox or the flu. Do not be afraid of it. Children's immunity must undergo a kind of training, but how can this be done if the pathogens of these diseases are constantly avoided? Knowingly doctors in one voice say that it is better to get sick with childhood sores in childhood. Best kindergarten for each parent. For some, there they are deliciously fed, for others they play only with his child and blow off dust particles from him, for the third - this is when classes are from morning till late evening. Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to give the child to that garden where the teachers ask to bring a raincoat and rubber boots, because the rain is not a hindrance to a walk!

