SchlumbergerSchlumberger Family of Cactus Homeland - Wetforests of South America. With age, the Decembrists are experiencing a truncation of the trunk - it seems to be rustling, and the plants do not branch well. To the plant does not look lopsided - the pot periodically turns different sides to the light source. Just do not worry the Decembrists during budding and flowering. Density of the crown is created by prischipkoy and pruning - shorten not branching shoots. Most buds appear on young shoots, so frequent pruning of the Decembrist promotes more abundant flowering. Schlumberger truncate Schlumbergera truncatus has sharp denticles along the edge of leaf-shaped segments of stems, and flowers are bilaterally symmetrical with a chamfered flower tube bent back by petals, about 2.5 cm in diameter. The shades of flowers are very different - from white and gently pink to lilac and violet. The Schlumbergera bucklei schlumberger has small light green segments with weak protrusions at the edges. It blooms with violet-pink flowers, radically symmetrical, blossoms usually from the end of October.

Care Tips

Forest cactusForest cactus Temperature: ° C.From September to mid-November, a rest period must be provided at a temperature of 15-16 ° C, at least 12 ° C. With the formation of buds and flowering (from November to the end of January), they are transferred to a warmer place - about 18-20 ° C. When the Schlumberger fades, it is moved back to a cool place at 15-16 ° C. Lighting: Bright place, light partial shade, but always shading from direct sunlight. Grows well on the north window. Watering: With the appearance of buds, until the end of flowering, watered abundantly - the ground should be moist all the time. Then the Decembrist is transplanted and the soil is kept moderately moist until about April. From April to September, watering as the soil dries up. By September, watering is reduced and kept in very cool and dry conditions for about two months. Fertilizer: They are fed three weeks after transplantation (after the end of flowering) with a special complex fertilizer for cacti, every two weeks until September. Humidity: Regular spraying and occasional warm showers are beneficial for Schlumberger. Transfer: The Decembrist is transplanted after flowering - at the end of February. The planting tank is spacious and not deep. Soil - 1 part sod, 1 part leaf, 1 part peat land, 1 part sand and brick chips. Good drainage is a must. You can use a commercial cactus potting mix. Reproduction: Cuttings with 2-3 segments. Usually, Decembrist cuttings root easily at any time of the year. After cutting, the cuttings are slightly dried and placed, without burying them on wet soil. You can cover it with a glass jar on top, remembering to air it periodically.

