How to choose honeyHow to choose the right med1. It is important to choose natural, high-quality honey - only it is good for health. Honey is often forged by mixing sugar, starch, flour and other ingredients. And it happens that unscrupulous beekeepers put divorced sugar before beehives and bees process it, and not flower nectar. Then it turns out low quality honey. Therefore, buying honey from private beekeepers is worth being alert. To determine the fake will help this way: rub a drop between your fingers - a natural product is absorbed into the skin, and homemade rolls into lumps. But the low quality of honey can only reveal a special laboratory. With honey, packaged in a factory way, easier. If the label is labeled GOST 19792, then it is natural. If honey is candied, this does not mean that it was initially substandard or deteriorated with time. So, honey was good. Yes, and remains so. Crystallization does not affect the beneficial properties of honey. And so that honey does not deteriorate, it does not become moldy, does not ferment, it is worth protecting it from moisture. Best of all, honey is stored in a tightly closed glass or enamel bowl. Barrels of alder, poplar or linden are also suitable. Do not put honey in a very hot tea, as is often done when treating a cold. After all, honey above 40 ° C loses most of its beneficial properties. The vitamins contained in it, antibacterial substances are partially destroyed. In addition, hot tea with honey causes sweating and palpitations, which is not very good for people with cardiovascular diseases.4.Honey helps to normalize gastric acidity. It increases the lowered acidity and lowers the high acidity. With gastritis with low acidity, it is better to take honey before meals, diluting a tablespoon of this sweetness in a glass of cold water. And for gastritis with high acidity, honey is diluted with warm water and such a solution is used one and a half to two hours before meals. Despite its high calorie content, honey can help you lose weight. If you drink half a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of honey before a meal, your blood sugar level will rise, which means that. As a result, having sat down at the table, you will not be enthusiastic about food. 6. Honey is a good help in the treatment of anemia. But not every type of honey can increase hemoglobin levels. It is best to use dark honey varieties for anemia. For example, buckwheat. It contains five times more iron than light varieties. 7. Honey has sedative and hypnotic properties. If you sweeten a glass of warm water or milk with honey and drink it at night, then sleep will come faster and will be strong. To combat insomnia, and at the same time to prevent colds, pine-honey baths are good. A bag with spruce needles should be lowered into the bath and half a glass of honey should be added there. Take a bath for 20 minutes.eight. For some reason, it is considered that honey does not cause tooth decay, but this is not the case. Some experts say that honey affects teeth even worse than sugar. He stays longer on the teeth. So, after eating, rinse your mouth as soon as possible. It is better not to give honey to children under two years old. It can contain spores of bacteria that are unsafe for children. The digestive system of older children and adults can neutralize these pathogens. And the body of the crumbs cannot yet be protected in this way. Some adults may not benefit from honey. For example, who suffers from diabetes. Or an allergic reaction to honey. It, by the way, can manifest itself in various ways - in the form of itchy skin rashes, edema, and even vomiting.

