How can you lose weight without dietingHow can you lose weight without dieting? Strictly speaking, by yourselftidy is worn outside the body, on the belt. But from it, through a tiny incision in the skin, a pair of wires is inserted into the person, going to the electrodes attached to the vagus nerve. VBLOC generates low-current signals with a frequency of 5 kilohertz, which block the transmission of nerve impulses. The effect of this intervention is multifaceted. Firstly, "hunger signals" are suppressed, secondly, without communication with the brain, the stomach does not expand during eating, so it fills up earlier than usual, and thirdly, blocking this nerve leads to a decrease in gastric acid secretion and a reduction in the intensity of digestion The device does not work constantly, but is activated every five minutes for a while. But this periodic intervention is enough for the patient to eat less than usual without experiencing any. In the first series of tests, several dozen people who were implanted with VBLOC lost (on average) 29.1% of their excess weight. Now the device is entering the main, decisive stage of testing, during which VBLOC will be tested on 300 overweight patients. The authors of the technology note that the previous methods of surgical restriction of calorie intake, namely: gastric bypass and bandaging, which involve the "launch" of part food bypassing this organ, or physically limiting its expansion, are much more traumatic operations. Not to mention the partial resection of the stomach, sometimes used for the same purpose. The main advantage of the new method of fighting obesity is that the operation is completely reversible. After all, a pair of contacts on the nerve and the wires leading from it to the device on the belt can be easily removed during the same low-traumatic operation. And EnteroMedics specialists are already working on an improved version of VBLOC, which can be implanted through the esophagus, so that outside on the human body there is no no seams remained Source: MEMBRANA citing Discovery Channel.

