What does the yellow body mean during pregnancy?
Желтым телом называют эндокринную железу, appearing after each release of an egg. The main task of the organ is to produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are of great importance for the maintenance and normal development of pregnancy.The yellow body during pregnancy is responsible for the production of hormones. Photo: Getty They perform the following functions:
- prevent new ovulation;
- inhibit uterine muscle contractions;
- prepare the female body for the upcoming motherhood.
As a rule, the corpus luteum produces hormones up to 10–12 weeks. In the future, this function begins to perform the placenta, and the temporary gland gradually decreases and then completely disappears.
The yellow body during early pregnancy: pathology
The normal size of the gland ranges from 15 to 28mm. If it is smaller or larger than this indicator, then this indicates the presence of pathologies. A corpus luteum with a size exceeding 30 mm is considered a cyst. But do not panic about this, because the enlarged gland continues to produce hormones and has virtually no effect on the course of pregnancy or the health of the expectant mother. Only occasionally can it cause pain in the ovaries. In most cases, a corpus luteum cyst does not require treatment. But an expectant mother with such a pathology should avoid any physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the gland. If the instructions are not followed, the cyst can burst. And in such a development of events, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Much more dangerous is the insufficiency or hypofunction of the corpus luteum. In this case, the gland produces fewer hormones than necessary. And a lack of progesterone can lead to termination of pregnancy. The main signs of hypofunction:
- discharge;
- bleeding;
- tonus of the uterus.
In addition, in case of gland insufficiency,carrying out ultrasound is observed detachment of the ovum. In this case, to save the pregnancy, hormone medications are prescribed to replenish progesterone. Thanks to this replacement therapy, it is possible to achieve normal development of the fetus, as well as minimize the risk of miscarriage. The main thing is to start the appropriate treatment at the first signs of pathology. The yellow body is an important gland necessary for the favorable development of pregnancy. But in order to exclude various pathologies, it is important to monitor its condition.