This is stated by Dr. René Spencer, Ph.D. and a practicing psychologist, who every day works with children at home and in the clinic and collected the following information on this subject.

What we remember before three years old

We still know very little about memory and earlybrain development, but recent research has led to a number of new discoveries. For example, babies have been found to have what is called declarative, explicit (long-term) memory – remembering their mother’s voice. The babies responded through emotions. As soon as their mother spoke, they began to smile and calm down. It is not known when the fetus begins to distinguish the mother’s voice in the womb, but this is the very first place where its memory begins to absorb information. These difficult nine months when you carry and feed your baby are actually your first chance to start talking to him. Dr. Spencer also explains the difference between semantic and declarative memory. Babies who cry for their mother to feed them are using semantic, unconscious memory, which helps them survive. Declarative memory is conscious, based on observation and knowledge.Photo: Getty Images

About three to seven years

Early development of memory and brain is very important beforefive years. The brain is so plastic at this age that it is the best time for learning because it can remember almost anything. The more you repeat, the more your children will repeat. Dr. Spencer recommends repetition and routine for children ages 3 to 7. This allows them to categorize things and transfer them to long-term memory. The more often you try to remember something, the easier it is to retrieve it later. Children who are talked to by their parents learn early on the skills of memorization and recall. Sometimes they are able to remember stories after the first or second reading, thanks to a routine that includes regular reading before bed, .

From seven to ten years old

At the age of 7 - 10 years, when children go toschool, there is a rapid development of the hippocampus (part of the limbic system of the brain, which is involved in the mechanisms of emotion formation, memory consolidation (that is, the transition of short-term memory to long-term) and the ability to remember. The child begins to organize information more effectively and store it more logically. Therefore, most people begin to have a lot of memories somewhere around the third grade. Therefore, up to three years of age, parents should remember and write down the most interesting things that happen to your child, so that at about 10 years old, they can amaze him with how much he could do and was able to do in infancy.Photo: Getty Images

The bad is remembered more clearly than the good

For example, we remember the day in all its details,when you break your arm but can't remember your birthday that year, Christmas or a family holiday. According to Dr. Spencer, good memories in early life are inferior to bad ones. This is because we want to remember not the pleasant, but the painful ones, to prevent such occurrences in the future.

How important it is to take photos

Parents need to take more pictures of their children.Funny pictures of toothless smiles can jog an adult's memory and help them see a day that seemed lost forever. Children remember events much better if they see a photograph or other visualization.

