– My figure is my greatest achievement, becausethat I tend to be overweight and any relaxation in my diet is immediately reflected on the scale. I have never been thin, I have always been considered a girl with curves, especially my hips. I tried to lose weight in my teens - I ate only carrots and cabbage, but, of course, after dieting, the weight returned. So I had to lose weight again - an endless circle!1/9After 2 months, Evgenia camealmost in pre-pregnancy shapePhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Her secrets: genetics, breastfeeding, sports and proper nutritionPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Over time, I came to the conclusion that I simply began to limit my consumption of sweets, I also do not eat flour and fried foods. I almost gave up meat, only turkey or chicken. If porridge, then with water and fruit; if salad, then only vegetable and vegetable oil! At the same time, I love home-cooked food and I can’t refuse, for example, syrniki, pancakes, delicious borscht or solyanka. I just try to eat it very rarely and in small portions. Thus, my weight has always fluctuated between 47-51 kg with a height of 163 cm. During my first and second pregnancies, I gained the same amount – about 20 kg. With my son Vanya, I didn’t think about anything at all, I ate everything. With Varenka, I tried to limit myself, but it’s very difficult, that’s why I gained the same amount (smiles). When I was carrying my daughter, I didn’t have any exotic gastronomic desires. I was only drawn to dairy products and flour. This continued during breastfeeding, and I’m still struggling with this addiction. But when I was carrying children, I wasn’t afraid for my figure – it’s nothing. I knew that thanks to my genes, I would quickly get back in shape. After giving birth, the weight started to go down on its own, and in the first two months I almost got back to my pre-pregnancy shape. After all, breastfeeding is the best assistant in losing weight after giving birth! I was lucky with my skin too – both times I avoided stretch marks and flabbiness.
1/7Zhenya, pregnant with her second child, a daughterVarya Photo: Eva ReichVarenka is already 7 months oldPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Sports with two children also means walksPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017With Vanya, Varya and Stepa in TurkeyPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017But the body needs help. And I did the first physical exercises after giving birth at home, fortunately I have enough experience over many years. But two children will not allow me to do a full workout at home. Therefore, over time, I began to leave the baby with Stepan and go to the gym - I do group strength training there, or stretching. Twice a week is a real holiday for me! But usually it happens once a week, with two children it is more difficult. Sometimes I send the children with dad for a walk, and I train in a home atmosphere! For greater effect, I took a course of massage for skin tone - I am very pleased with the result. Massages are necessary at any time, especially for women! My recommendations to expectant mothers: love yourself and your condition, eat what your heart desires, but in moderation! Especially since the baby clearly does not need your excess. As recommended by the doctor, go to the pool, to the gym. As for the postpartum period, the main thing is to breastfeed, then you will instantly lose excess weight 100 percent. Be sure to exercise, and, of course, stick to a healthy diet!
1/6With StepaPhoto:@evgeniyanetvoya2017Meeting from the maternity hospitalPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Stepan tries his best to relieve his wife of her workloadPhoto: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017Photo: @evgeniyanetvoya2017