condyloma Condyloma is nothing but wartyChanges that are located on the mucosa. In this case, they differ either in body or pink tint. Warts, as a rule, multiply through the body in groups, both in the anal passage, and in a certain area of ​​the genitals. What are the causes of the appearance of genital warts and how to deal with them? You will learn about this by reading the article.

What are warts and why do they appear

Warts of this kind are a contagious disease,which delivers a lot of trouble to its owner and is transmitted through both oral and vaginal, anal sex. Doctors say that the use of condoms in this case does not give a 100% guarantee of safety. Condylomas tend to expand in those places where irritation and friction of the mucosa systematically occur. Such an unpleasant disease occurs only in those who do not follow hygiene, and it is in areas of skin prone to secretions, as well as inguinal and intercostal folds. However, doctors say that often neoplasms appear in the armpits and even in the mouth. Condylomas do not disappear spontaneously, they require mandatory medical intervention. condyloma

Diagnosis of the disease: how to identify kandilomy

Treatment of genital warts was originally doneexclusively venereologists, however, over time, gynecologists and urologists have undertaken such a non-pleasant illness. Qualified doctors are an important fundamental component of the successful treatment of genital warts. A real pros of his case in 2 accounts will determine what it is: warts in intimate places or pimples appearing in venereal diseases. However, in order for the information to be reliable, doctors propose to do an additional blood test for the presence of a dangerous virus in it. Further it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the microflora of the patient's genitals (in order to check whether there are other pathogens in the patient's blood). The fact that in the body of the fair sex, the virus of condyloma can be for decades, without letting itself know. And enough to be ill with something serious, so that it manifests itself. If you have weak immunity, then this will only speed up the development of genital warts several times. Therefore, the doctor must send you to the immunologist for examination and treatment.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

If we talk about how the condyloma manifests itselfin the human body, then it can be firmly said that the infected person does not feel deterioration of health. In addition, a patient affected by a virus does not feel the changes that occur in the body. The thing is that the human immune system is arranged so that it can monitor the state of the virus. In the event that condylomata appeared on the parts of the body, it means that the patient has low immunity, which is not able to fight the virus. The incubation period can reach several years, then the condyloma virus begins to manifest itself. Such a disease must be urgently treated. The problem is that condyloma, located in intimate places, migrates to genital organs, because as with sexual intercourse, these areas are prone to injuries and abrasions. Condylomata in the anus are also due to injuries, and neoplasms in the patient's mouth prevent him from eating. Condylomas are warts, the size of which can reach 5 centimeters. If we talk about neoplasms that appear on the body of a woman, they can arise on the labia, as well as on the clitoris and the vagina, as well as on the hymen. If a future mother is affected by such a virus, her presence may complicate pregnancy and, consequently, childbirth. condylomata

How to get rid of genital warts

Get rid of genital warts is not so simple. First, you need to monitor the "cleanliness" of your genitals. Secondly, do not have sex with strangers. In the event that the virus of condyloma has affected also you, the secret of its occurrence is covered in promiscuous connections. Treatment and elimination of genital warts occurs under strict doctor's recommendations. In some cases, the doctor appoints mini-operations. This can be a cryodestruction performed with liquid nitrogen. A similar method consists in influencing the virus at low temperatures. This procedure does not require anesthesia, and scars after surgery do not appear, which is especially true for girls. To remove genital warts, laser therapy is also used. The technique of eliminating genital warts with the help of a laser is resorted to in extreme cases, because it is very painful and delivers a discomfort to the patient, and anesthesia should be performed for it. After the procedure, scars remain on the body. That's why when you have condyloma, you should immediately consult a doctor, so that inaction does not lead to irreparable consequences.

