Modern society these days is sobusy with the problem of earning money and building a career, which leads to a lack of free time. Because of which, naturally, many often manage to think about active recreation or sports only late in the evening, when this turns out to be completely impossible. This is why the issue of excess weight is so relevant today, which affects not only the fair sex, but also men.
Species of fatty deposits
Excess weight not only spoils your figure, but also,most importantly, it has a detrimental effect on the health of the human body. It is for this reason that before you start torturing your body with various diets, physical exercises and many prohibitions, you should figure out what type of fat deposits bother you. These can be the following fats:
- Visceral.
- Subcutaneous.
- Fat, which is necessary for the human body (it is characteristic that its number in women is about 12%, and in men - 3%).
One of the most dangerous and unpredictableIt is visceral fat that is considered, not other fat. It is burned quite quickly under the influence of constant physical exercises or strict diets. However, when losing weight, women and men sometimes do not think about the fact that they are causing irreparable harm to their body (namely, the heart and the general condition of the blood vessels).
Where is visceral fat located
Visceral fat is the internal fat,which includes only brown fat cells. This type of fat cells is concentrated in the abdominal cavity of the human body and envelops all internal organs. Every person has it, but its norm should not exceed the established indicators of 10% of the total fat mass (the remaining 90% belong to subcutaneous fat). It is simply impossible to do without visceral fat, because it performs an excellent protective function, protecting all internal organs from the negative influence of the environment. In addition, it is laid down by nature in case of illness, hunger or as a natural necessity during pregnancy. However, along with these positive properties, this type of fat deposits is the most unpredictable, because its amount can increase very sharply.
Reasons for the appearance of excess internal fat
Today, experts identify quite a large number of factors that influence the occurrence of large amounts of visceral fat.
The main danger of visceral fat
In cases where the amount of fat exceedsacceptable norms, it begins to exist in the body as a separate, independent organ, thereby exerting a completely unnecessary influence on various processes occurring in the body. Thus, internal fat located in the abdominal area is capable of completely changing the hormonal background, both in women and men. It should be noted that due to its harmful effects, testosterone levels can increase or decrease. In the initial stages of a person gaining weight, visceral fat requires an ever-increasing increase in its mass, provoking a constant brutal appetite. As a result of such actions, emotional depression, stress on all internal organs, as well as difficulty in movement are observed.
Is visceral and subcutaneous fat the same thing?
Quite often you can hear statements aboutthat visceral and subcutaneous fat are identical concepts. However, this opinion does not justify its expectations. The only similarity between these two fat deposits is that they are present in every person and in small quantities are a real necessity. Thus, subcutaneous fat acts as a source of additional energy for the human body, which not only prevents a decline in strength, but also helps not to freeze in the cold season. During life, the amount of subcutaneous fat constantly increases so that it can be used in time if necessary. However, in cases where it is not needed, it accumulates, and in exactly the same way as visceral. A distinctive feature of the two types of fat analyzed is that subcutaneous does not participate in the work of internal organs and cannot have any effect on them at all, unlike, of course, visceral. As for the methods of combating subcutaneous fat, one of them is plastic surgery. Such an operation can be carried out because this fat accumulates directly under the skin. If we talk about internal fat, then this method will not help to get rid of it.
Determine the problem
How to determine the quantity yourselfvisceral fat in your body? If we are talking about women who have a very thin waist and at the same time large hips, then most likely their internal fat is within the maximum permissible norm. In cases where the stomach hangs down quite strongly on the hips, we can safely say that the problem of excess internal fat exists and it is time to find methods to combat it. If you want to determine the presence of internal fat at home, then this can be done in several ways:
- The simplest of these is the measurementgirth of the waist using a normal centimeter. In this case, the waist size for men should not be more than 92 cm, and in women - 84 cm. It is interesting to note that the total body weight and growth here do not play any role at all.
- Using a centimeter, you should measure your waist andhips (choose the widest place). The resulting waist girth should be divided into the thigh circumference. Thus, we find a coefficient, the value of which in the fair sex should not exceed 0.8, and in men - 0.9.
- Sometimes it is enough to just squeeze the belly with your fingers. Do this in the navel. If it turns out that the fold is very large, then there is the likelihood of an excessive mass of internal fat.
In any case, before you start studyingself-medication, you should visit a doctor. A specialist will be able to determine the presence of a problem and tell you how best to get rid of it. Otherwise, if you act at random, you can simply harm yourself and your body.
Methods of combating visceral fat
For those people who really wantизбавиться от висцерального жира, необходимо в первую очередь понять, есть ли у них сила воли и очень большое желание похудеть. В том случае, если сила воли слабая, то практически никаких результатов достичь не удастся. Объяснить это довольно просто. Висцеральный жир нельзя убрать из тела путем обращения к пластическому хирургу, массажисту или косметологу. Сделать это можно только при помощи диеты, а также соблюдая ряд рекомендаций, которые помогут в наикратчайшие сроки достичь желаемых результатов. Прежде всего, необходимо ограничить употребление или же вообще исключить из своего рациона продукты, содержащие большое количество углеводов (все сладкое, бананы, мучное). Именно подобные очень вкусные продукты, употребляемые в больших количествах, неизбежным образом превращаются в жиры и откладываются на нашем теле в самых проблемных его местах (на талии и бедрах). Также следует позаботиться об ограничении в приеме слишком жирной пищи. Начиная худеть, необходимо рационально подходить к выбору и составлению своего меню. Такая вредная, на первый взгляд, жирная пища должна быть исключена из рациона не полностью. Нужно помнить, что жиры – очень важная составляющая нормального функционирования любого организма, которая накапливает в себе энергию, необходимую при физических нагрузках, болезнях и больших эмоциональных потрясениях. Они отвечают за расщепление и усваивание большого количества микроэлементов и витаминов в желудке. Без них не может обойтись правильная и бесперебойная работа головного мозга, который более чем на 55% состоит из жиров. Чтобы разобраться в том, какие продукты, содержащие жиры, нужно перестать есть во время похудения, нужно знать, какие вообще существуют жирные кислоты. Они подразделяются на насыщенные и ненасыщенные. Насыщенные жирные кислоты можно найти в яйцах, мясе, молоке, сливочном, пальмовом и кокосовом масле, а также в мороженом. Попадая в наш организм, именно эта разновидность жиров откладывается в теле и очень быстро увеличивается. Она используется при голодании или больших физических нагрузках и постепенно сжигается. Однако процесс расставания любого тела с насыщенными жирными кислотами очень непрост, поэтому перебарщивать с их количеством в своем рационе не следует. Ненасыщенные жирные кислоты находятся в кунжутном, оливковом, арахисовом маслах, рыбе и орехах. Они просто необходимы человеку, поэтому исключать их из своего меню категорически нельзя. Такой запрет легко объяснить тем, что данные жиры, при попадании с пищей внутрь организма, повышают в нем текучесть клеток. Такая особенность позволяет всем полезным веществам попадать в клетки и заставляет проводить правильный обмен веществ. В том случае если полностью убрать из своего ежедневного меню ненасыщенные жирные кислоты, можно очень быстро сделать свой организм слабым и восприимчивым к большому количеству страшных заболеваний (бесплодию, сердечно-сосудистым заболеваниям, болезням печени и мочеполовой системы). Ограничив употребление жирного молока, некачественного сливочного масла, чипсов, печенья и конфет, можно заставить свой организм самостоятельно сжигать лишние калории, а значит, и висцеральный жир.
How to reduce the appearance of internal fat in the body
People who constantly suffer from the presence ofoverweight, should look for the cause, first of all, at the genetic level. If any of the family members or distant relatives suffer from diabetes, have a large body weight or problems with the cardiovascular system, then you should immediately think about your diet and take into account what needs to be excluded from your menu. The main thing here is to remember that genetic diseases can not only be defeated, but also prevented altogether. In order to prevent the appearance of an excessive amount of internal fat, you need to first eat a full diet, forgetting about the constant consumption of foods containing a large proportion of carbohydrates and sugar. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats should enter the body only in the amount that is necessary for the human body, but not in excess. In addition, do not forget to do basic physical exercises that will not only make your body work fully and effectively, but also make your body fit and beautiful.