go to mixThe transition from mixture to mixture requires increased attention to the state of the childPhoto: Getty

What you need to know about the mixtures?

Infant formula should be selected based onthe age of the baby, his needs and individual characteristics. There are several types of such baby food. 1. Highly adaptive. The mixtures are made on the basis of whey proteins, which are easier for the body to absorb. 2. Traditional. Mixes are made from cow's milk. They are not suitable for children with gastrointestinal problems and those whose body does not absorb protein well. If the child often spits up, a transition to a new formula is necessary. Then antireflux baby food is prescribed. 3. Therapeutic. It is used for dysbiosis, individual intolerance to the components of the usual mixture, constipation, etc. For premature babies with low body weight. If both parents have a food intake, it is better to immediately purchase a hypoallergenic mixture, without waiting for rashes and other unpleasant manifestations. With the growth and maturation of the baby, they switch from one mixture to another, which is designed for a greater age.

The transition from one mixture to another: what is important to know?

Changing the mixture as the baby grows, it shouldpay maximum attention to his condition. Even different mixtures of the same proven manufacturer can cause completely different reactions. You can find out that the mixture is not suitable for your child by the following signs: - the child spits up a lot after feeding; - there are problems with the stool when changing from mixture to mixture; - allergic manifestations on the skin; - the baby becomes capricious. with the change of the mixture, it is a clear sign that it does not fit the child. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician and pick up another mixture. Also, make sure that you prepare the mixture correctly. Baby food is not boiled. The mixture is diluted in hot water, the temperature of which is about 37−40 degrees. The exception is the mixture with probiotics, they are diluted with water not more than 35 degrees.2. When preparing the mixture, you should use a measuring spoon, which is in the package.3. For each manufacturer and type of mixture, it may be different. The mixture in the bottle must be thoroughly shaken to avoid lumps.4. Before use, baby food should be dripped onto your skin to check its temperature. It should not be too hot so that the baby does not burn. If the child has not eaten, the mixture should be poured out and not put in the refrigerator. The finished product is not stored for more than an hour. It is better to prepare a fresh mix every time. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning. Choosing baby food correctly, you can arrange the baby’s chair. It is also interesting to read:

