A terrible case stirred up the world: In America, a teenager was arrested on suspicion of killing his parents. Foster parents - a boy once adopted for a long time in Russia. Besides him, there were three other children in the family, also adopted. Elderly parents coped as they could, but there were scandals, quarrels, and even the police had to call. And this is not the first such case. In May, for the murder of foster parents arrested a guy in Italy. He was also adopted in Russia - in St. Petersburg. Both boys were very small when they were taken away from the country. So it's hardly a problem in the upbringing of the previous guardians. Why then do children suddenly attack such people with such aggression who became a family? What do they lack? Why do they take revenge?Photo: GettyImagesPsychologist-consultant Tatyana Ogneva-Salvoni: Tatyana Ogneva-Salvoni- From the point of view of psychology, the internationaladoption is very different from adoption in the country of origin on the impact on the child's psyche. It does not matter that there may be better conditions and generally almost a paradise compared to the place where the child was taken from. He needs not only to get used to new parents, but also to a new country, a new language, a new world. Stress loss is many times higher. The child loses everything at all, including what he once helped to survive. It is implicitly attracted to where it came from. And if the adoptive parents also somehow negatively or scornfully respond about the biological parents of the child, about the country from which they took it, it hurts a lot. He becomes a tree without roots, his most important years of life, the first years, as if they were crossed out, for which they make him feel ashamed. Psychologists put forward various assumptions why such tragedies can happen when an adopted child from another country kills his adoptive parents. First, the same rejection and disregard of adoptive parents to the "roots" of the child - biological parents and the country of origin. And this is not necessarily manifested in a sharp form, rather in the ordinary. But for the child, the hint itself hurts. Secondly, it's disrespectful to the super-powers that the child had to show in order to survive initially, to survive the relocation, adaptation in the new country, the condescension of a kind safe "savior" that a foster parent can show to the child. This also offends, angers and provokes aggression. Thirdly, by the time the child was adopted, destructive attachment, that is, the inability to have close contacts with other people, the propensity to cruelty, the unwillingness to follow the norms of behavior, etc., can already form. Adoptive parents can through love, patience and attention to adjust the form of attachment, melt the heart of an injured child. But if they do not have enough strength, if they unconsciously put bans on the manifestation of negative feelings plus the above, then to muffle the mental pain, the grown up child easily falls into some dependence. There are approved forms of dependence - sports, career, study, and there are destructive, like drugs, which, of course, once released from the shady part of the soul all ousted from early childhood - anger, resentment, shame. And these children bring down on foster parents as the people closest to them. When there is too much repressed pain and anger, this can lead to similar tragedies.

