Olympic champions Tatyana Volosozhar and MaximTrankov in "Romeo and Juliet" will play prince and princess Verona. And in the production of Averbukh this is the main role. And since the premiere will take place on July 1, the couple have been actively training for several months. That is, the restoration of forces and figures Tatiana was given only five months. Agree, the time is very short ... But, most importantly, she coped! Even in spite of the fact that he is struggling with a hefty weight, by his own admission, all conscious life ...Maxim Trankov and Tatyana VolosozharPhoto: archive of press services "I did not think that it would be so hard for me to be given the first months with the child and the process of restoration. But still pregnant, I planned for myself a plan and now I embody it in life, "Tatyana Volosozhar confessed." The figure told me the secrets that helped her get back in shape in the shortest time. "Almost immediately, I started doing stretching exercises, then the doctor allowed me to do jogging, and I started with a minimum of time - 2-3 minutes. In addition, in Lapino, where I gave birth, there is a wonderful spa complex, I was there doing body and face treatments, there are excellent conditions. After a month and a half after the birth of my daughter, I again went to the skates, "- said the athlete. And she added that now she and Maxim have a third-rate task - not to relax and restore elements of increased complexity.Maxim Trankov and Tatyana VolosozharPhoto: archive of press services By the way, in Sochi, where the premiere of the show will take place, Volosozhar and Trankov will go with their daughter. But the nanny will not be hired, the grandmother will sit with the baby. "Since the show will be held in Sochi for three months almost every day, we will go there with the whole family. Take with Angelica, our Spitz, who is also a full member of the family, and both grandmothers, - said Tatiana. "I do not dare to entrust my child to a nanny, and our mothers are very helpful." They are on duty for a month - in the first month my mom helped me a lot, then she was replaced by Maxim's mom, now here's mine again. In Sochi, let's take them both. After all, the show goes in the evenings, and the child needs someone to bed and sit with her. The first month, of course, was very hard and unusual for me. But now my daughter is already giving me a nap, it seems to me that Angelica and I already understand each other perfectly. "

