Causes of Allergies

One of the important factors of allergy is heredity. If mom or dad is allergic to apples, then the probability of intolerance to the child is allergyAllergy to apples manifests an hour after a mealPhoto: Getty Common causes of allergies:

  • Individual intolerance to beta-carotene, which is found in all varieties of apples. There is a lot of this coloring pigment both in a peel, and in pulp.
  • Cross-allergy. If a child who is allergic to a pear or quince eats an apple, the immune system may react inadequately. In apples there are components similar in structure as in other fruits that cause allergies.
  • Poor washing and processing of fruit. Fruits are coated with paraffin for better preservation, which may entail an allergic reaction.
  • Sometimes a child can eat the fruit of a yellow or green color without consequences, while the organism reacts quite differently to several pieces of a red apple.

    Symptoms of an allergy to apples in children

    Most often, an allergic reaction develops ininfants up to a year. Lactating women should eat only green apples, so as not to provoke an allergy in the infant. One of the first symptoms by which you can calculate an allergy is a rash on the body. Other symptoms:

    • itching;
    • redness of cheeks;
    • abdominal pain;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • greenish stools;
    • increased flatulence in the intestines.

    Apple is one of those fruits that are the firstinjected into the baby food. It is desirable that apples are grown in your area or garden. If the fetus caused an allergy in the baby, postpone the lure for another 2 months. The digestive tract of children is still imperfect; therefore, the stomach and intestines lack the enzymes necessary for processing apples. Allergy to apples in a child manifests within an hour or two after eating. If the child can not eat this fruit fresh, try to give it in the form of a liver. You can offer the child compote or sterilized juice. A heat treated product rarely causes allergies. To confirm the diagnosis of allergies, you need to see a doctor and take the tests. The child will be prescribed a hypoallergenic diet and immunostimulants. If the child's organism reacts inappropriately to apples, then it is necessary to exclude the allergen even for a while. Often with age, intolerance to apples disappears, so you should not worry too soon. It is also interesting:

