- Julia told me that she was pregnant in the secondtime, in an unusual way. She met me after working with a beautiful box in her hands. To the question "What kind of holiday?" The wife replied: she just wanted to make me feel good. At first I thought that there was some bracelet inside or a watch. Imagine my surprise when, tearing up the package, I found in the box a pregnancy test with two strips. Was delighted madly. He said: "Well, everything, I will have a daughter!"Photo: Persona Stars

Children made a woman's wife

At the first ultrasound, they saw only a smallhead and tail. Therefore, at first he called the child a fish. I walked around happy with thoughts of a girl. However, the next visit to the doctor, to which we went with the whole family, revealed: there will be another son. When I left the clinic on the street, my wife jumped out after me with the words: "You are very upset, right?" He tried to calm her down: “Are you out of your mind? Of course not". Gender is of no fundamental importance. By analogy, it's like getting a nice, expensive car. And it will be a Mercedes or a Porsche, it doesn't matter. Yes, I dreamed of a Porsche, but I am no less happy with Mercedes. Julia did not torment her with unusual desires during pregnancy. Once in the night she wanted a Prague cake. After filming, I drove into the store and bought it. I give it back, I say: "Eat." She: “I won't. I just wanted you to bring him. " So no one touched him. But these are trifles. In general, pregnancy had a positive effect on Yulia's character. With each new child, she becomes more feminine. This quality was carefully knocked out of her by professional sports, she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. At the beginning of our relationship or during joint work (I was her boss), we often quarreled because of the straightforwardness, toughness, adherence to principles of the wife. Now I notice that Julia has become softer, more often makes concessions, she can keep silent where she would have blurted out everything in her eyes before. The children brought up tolerance in her. The kid is screaming, peeing, pooping, does not want to eat, and you have to kiss the top of his head and calm him down ... I am not a supporter of a man being present at childbirth. In addition, I can't stand the sight of blood, so I never dreamed of cutting the umbilical cord of a newborn. And the wife is completely against such practices. Firstly, for her this is too intimate a process, and secondly, her husband, lying in the corner of the birthplace in a swoon, is the last thing she would like to see at such a crucial moment. Our first meeting with Myron took place a couple of hours after his birth. I thought then: "Okay, so cute." Newborns usually look like blue chicks, but this one doesn't. Probably, the point is partly that it was cesarean. And I'm glad of that. Yulka did not suffer, and the baby was easier to bear. She gave birth naturally for 6 hours, and it affected him. The first three years, the son was very nervous, did not sleep well, two nannies sat with him on a rotational basis. So he experienced this stress. And for the wife, difficult childbirth became a test. For some time she could not accept her son. When the doctors put the baby on her stomach, she said to take it away immediately. Yulia started postnatal depression, she could not see the child. But soon everything changed dramatically. The wife said that she only loved Bogdan, and she didn’t need anyone else: neither her husband, nor her mother. She admitted that she had lost interest in me. After such a revelation, overnight, emotionally, I wrote the lyrics of the song "Just a Friend" and read it to her the next morning. Surprisingly, the words of the composition had an effect, switched some kind of toggle switch in her head, and the relationship improved.

