Who said that the children of the stars are spoiled and notaccustomed to work ?! Even if your dad is an Olympic champion and your mother is a successful businesswoman, this is no excuse for shirking home chores and helping your parents. Little Sasha Plushenko has shown that he is able not only to appear in advertising, but also to work with his hands.Photo:@ gnomgnomych On the page on the social network, which Rudkovskaya herself runs on behalf of her son, a proud mother posted a touching video. Gnome Gnomych, as the parents affectionately call Sasha, skillfully tightens the screws with an electric screwdriver. Moreover, it is clear that such work gives the boy pleasure, he is so keen on the process. “I’m an economic kid, not a loafer, I work at a construction site, I’m building a gnome's house,” reads the caption under the video. The little worker looks really cute. It is not surprising that in just a couple of hours the video with the Gnome collected almost 20 thousand likes and a lot of flattering comments. Video posted by Gnom Gnomych (A. Plushenko) (@gnomgnomych) Jul 5 2016 at 12:32 pm PDT “Well done! A very correct example and approach to education. A talented, hardy, hardworking and economic guy is growing up. Just the dream of all women ”,“ The Gnome has a variety of hobbies. Such a developed baby is growing, ”fans of the handsome young man write to his mother. It is worth noting that, together with applied professions, Sasha is active. So, a couple of weeks ago he trained at one of Courchevel's skating rinks under the personal supervision of his illustrious dad. On the ice, Gnomych was very confident.

