How to help a pregnant woman with allergies?

Wide use of household chemicals,Uncontrolled use of medications, deterioration of the environmental situation - these are the main reasons for the increase in the number of allergic diseases, or allergies. No one is immune from an acute reaction of the immune system, and pregnant women experience it more often than other people.allergy during pregnancyAllergy during pregnancy worsens inflowering period of plantsPhoto: GettyOn the development of allergies may indicate frequent sneezing, nasal congestion, tearing. Contact and nutritional dermatitis are manifested by rashes and blisters on the skin, redness, itching. What should I do if an allergy has caught me during pregnancy:

  • rinse the place of contact with the allergen with warm boiled water;
  • exposure to an aggressive allergen provoking agent should be limited;
  • when an insect bite is necessary to remove the sting, if any, and apply a cold compress;
  • to stop the reaction, you can smear the skin with ointment with dexpanthenol or zinc;
  • with food allergies, it is best to drink enterosorbent based on activated carbon;
  • If the condition is rapidly deteriorating, you should call an ambulance.

What to drink for allergies during pregnancy?You cannot take medications without a doctor's prescription, as many of them have a negative effect on fetal development and provoke uterine contractions. There are no absolutely safe antihistamine tablets, so the doctor, when choosing a drug, will take into account the risk-benefit ratio and the gestational age. In some cases, a gynecologist may prescribe corticosteroids.

The effect of allergies on the child

The placenta reliably protects the baby from antigensmother, causing allergies. This means that allergies developed by a pregnant woman are not transmitted to the fetus. However, the child in the womb undoubtedly suffers against the background of the woman's deteriorating condition. Antiallergic drugs also affect the uteroplacental blood flow. Knowing about the tendency to allergies, it is better for the expectant mother to prevent the disease than to treat it. For example, multivitamin preparations can support the normal functioning of the immune system. Important! Sometimes allergies occur against the background of a calcium deficiency in the body. In this case, the doctor may recommend calcium gluconate to the pregnant woman. The main goal of therapy for allergies is to eliminate not the symptoms, but the cause, so the woman must undergo an examination and identify the allergen. During pregnancy, and even after the birth of the child, it is better to switch to the use of natural cosmetics, safe household chemicals of organic origin. A pregnant woman should exclude highly allergenic products from her diet. All these measures will help prevent the development of allergies in the mother and reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the newborn.

