Kings can do everything, kings can do everything, but no matter whatsay, no king, no king, can escape school. Even the future one. The third in line to the British throne, little George, whom his parents, following centuries-old traditions, sent to the first grade, does not want to learn new subjects at all, even though his studies pass through a sparing, preschool regime. “He told me that he had just taken away Prince George to school and that he did not want to go there at all. Well, everything is like with my children ”, - 31-year-old mother of two children Louise Smith, who was able to greet him during a visit to the city of Milton Keynes in honor of his 50th birthday, shared her conversation with Prince William.Photo:@kensingtonroyal And did you recognize your child in this behavior? Woman's Day learned from a child psychologist how to find the motivation to go to school at the end of the first school month, when the enthusiasm after the transition from the carefree summer season to the school autumn season has probably already subsided a little. To buy something or take somewhere for success, but such motivation can be used only for the first time, - Irina Taranova, head of the pediatric department of the International Institute of Psychosomatic Health, advises the readers of our website. - Moreover, psychologists recommend avoiding such an incentive whenever possible. When the child has already formed the habit of going to school, the habit of doing homework, and most importantly, the perseverance is formed, which is required to be included in the lesson system, there will be no need for such motivation at all. until adolescence, the main activity and should be study. - If a child cannot sit out in class and still wants to play all the time, this suggests that he still has developed predominantly play motivation, which is characteristic of children of an earlier age, explains Irina Taranova. - This means that the child is psychologically immature or his brain lacks some resources that develop perseverance. Sometimes the child avoids school because of poor grades. In this case, the child psychologist assures us, we need to work with him to overcome the fear of failure. “It is extremely difficult for parents to do this on their own, they need professional help,” she recommends. - You need to work not with the fact that the child does not want to go to school, because something does not work out for him or may not work, but with how he accepts his failures or possible failures. afraid, but burned out, enthusiastically undertaking to gnaw the granite of science in the first academic month? - Often under such "burnout" problems with peers are hidden - this is a very common factor today. Or problems in interaction with the teacher, - our expert reveals the secret. - This is compounded by the fear of doing something wrong in front of the whole class and thus putting yourself in an unpleasant position. There can be many reasons. Therefore, you need to understand them and eliminate them step by step, and not blame everything on a banal unwillingness to learn. Indeed, in a favorable home environment, the desire to learn, that is, to learn something new, is instilled by itself and without much effort.

