"So, I'm Mom. And now what? .."- Many women encounter this feeling of confusion when they have their first child. "I look at my baby and I understand that I have no idea what to do now, from which side I should approach it," - the stories of moms as a copy. Then it becomes relatively clear what to do: feed, bathe, change the diaper. But that's what the child wants at this particular moment - it usually remains a mystery with seven seals until he learns to speak or at least gesticulate. We have seven key points by which you can understand what your kid is trying to say with the body language. If he kicks the space, it's great. In the language of his body, this means that he is happy and has a great time. Pinky is a way for your baby to express pleasure. Pay attention, often children begin to jerk legs when you play with him or during water procedures. And if at this time to take the kid on the handles and sing a song to him, he will become even happier.why the baby is cryingPhoto: GettyImages2. Bends back It is usually a reaction to pain or discomfort. Children often arch their backs when they have colic or heartburn. If the baby bends at the time you feed it, it can be a sign of reflux. Try to avoid stress while breastfeeding - the experiences of the mother affect the baby. Shakes his head Sometimes babies can jerk their heads sharply, bumping against the bottom of the crib or its sides. This again is a sign of discomfort or pain. Usually, motion sickness helps, but if the child continues to shake his head, this is an excuse to show the baby to the pediatrician. Suffices itself for earsNe cost immediately panic if the baby pulls his ears. He is so entertained and learns - the surrounding sounds are becoming quieter, then louder. In addition, babies often grab their ears when their teeth are chopped. But if the child at the same time cries, you need to run to the doctor and check whether the baby has caught the ear infection. Clenches fists In general, this is one of the first meaningful gestures that a newborn is learning. In addition, a compressed cam can be a sign of hunger or stress - both cause the muscles of the baby to strain. If the habit of clenching the fists hard will persist in the child, when he is already over three months old, it is better to show the baby to the doctor. This may be a sign of a neurological disorder.why the baby is cryingPhoto: GettyImages6. Twists, clutching your knees to your chest. This movement is most often a sign of digestive problems. Maybe it's colic, maybe constipation or gases. If you are breastfeeding, follow your diet: something in the diet causes the baby to have excessive gas formation. And do not forget to hold the baby with a post after feeding, so that it will vomit. In case of constipation, consult a doctor.7. Tossing pens This is the child's first reaction to the environment, a sign of alertness. Typically, the kid throws up the handle when he hears a sudden sound or when a bright light turns on. Sometimes babies do this when you put them in a crib: they feel a loss of support. This reflex usually disappears four months after birth. Until then, it is worth remembering that the movement is unconscious, and the child can inadvertently scratch himself. Therefore, children are advised to swaddle or put on handles special mittens at the time of sleep.

