"But to whom is he so!"- in your hearts you exclaim. Most likely, in you. You just do not remember. Moreover - these features, which now beset you, can make the child the most successful and happy person on the planet.

1. Confidence and stubbornness

With manifestations of stubbornness in the child for surefaced everything. Each child at least once showed steadfastness, when it was, for example, buying a new toy or a chocolate. And how zealously children defend their right not to wear pantyhose in the winter! But there are such children who crave victory at any cost. And you can break into a cake, but he will go to the kindergarten in shorts, even in the yard and January. It is quite easy to know the parents of such a child. They chronically reduce their jaws from curses. When such children turn into adolescents, it can be quite difficult with them. They can not be persuaded of anything. But think about it - there is a plus in this stubbornness. If a child strictly follows his convictions, this means that he is protected from the influence of the crowd. Herd instinct? No, it's not about him. I see the goal - do not see obstacles - that's about him. So if you're lucky enough to raise a small stubborn, know - you are raising the future boss and a real leader.

2 Shyness and shyness

He clings to Mom's dress, barely looking outbecause of him, hiding from these horrible high-profile strangers. He is always calm, diligent and tidy. But sometimes he just freaks you out, refusing to go out and say hello to your aunt. Yes, your child is an introvert. Congratulations. Sooner or later your baby will grow out of his stiffness and excessive shyness. But this does not mean that they will strive for the role of the first violin. Excessive attention they will not love. But your sensitive baby will be protected by his own "I" from unbridled teenage entertainment. And then he will grow up in a thoughtful, compassionate adult, able to empathize and sympathize. Your current introvert is tomorrow's thinker. Who knows, maybe he will become the best yoga instructor in the world. Or maybe he will create a charity fund for helping the needy.

3. Insolence and talkableness

Features future successful lawyer. If your child strives for any dispute or discussion to end so that the last word is left behind, then you probably will grow an incredibly eloquent orator. It may even seem like he does not respect you, his own parents. But it's just a feature of his personality - to challenge authority. And often they are stubborn and can be ruthless, expressing harsh judgments. But who knows, maybe these qualities will lead him to the UN? A lawyer, for example, or an envoy of peace. Or he will take his place in diplomatic circles. Everything can be. So the best thing you can do for him. - to teach how to lead a discussion correctly, and also pay attention to the development of logic and analytical abilities.

4. Love for thrill. Or simply stiletto

If he disappeared from the field of vision for a couple of seconds,you can be sure that you find him on the tree in the yard, where he saves the kitten, for example. Or testing the aircraft of its own invention. Or the next second he jumps down on you from the closet, wrapped in a curtain - this is your personal superhero. He can not sit still for a second. He is a future traveler, mountaineer, marathon runner, inventor, diver, parachutist. Rebel soul and adventurer. Your baby is invincible. He will very soon learn to shift the boundaries of the possible, challenge everything - just not to find out what boredom is. Such people make us feel the beating of life sharper. And often they become ambulance doctors, surgeons, pilots, firemen, even investigators.

5. Dreaminess and detachment

"Earth, earth, answer! Hello, are you there? "Your baby is constantly immersed in his dreams, from which it is so easy not to pull out? Yes, sometimes it can be annoying. Because he has to repeat everything twice. Or maybe three. Such children are absent-minded, always forget to put a diary in the briefcase, to charge the phone. You ask him to get dressed, and after 15 minutes you find him standing in front of the TV with a toe in his hands. Such a child will grow up a person who will never experience in vain. He will not exterminate the nerves of eternal stress and will not rush to the hospital with a ulcer. He is a dreamer and misses the blows of fate by himself. Such people are often inclined to a creative career: they become musicians, fashion designers, artists. All these children are different. But all require one thing - love and patience. After all, when they grow up, they will necessarily become very good people. Maybe, just thanks to those traits of character that are now terribly besyat.

