Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar - beautifulsteam on the ice, and in life. In August of last year they played a wedding. As Maxim joked in one of his interviews, they already have gold Olympic medals, but the child does not. It seems that the wait is not long ... Recently, the skaters returned from Japan, where they participated in the ice show and trained at full strength. Upon returning home, Volosozhar found out that during this trip she was already in an interesting position: "Now we will be parents! We are waiting for the replenishment and our little baby! "- shared the joyful news with Tatiana's fans.Volosozhar and Trankov are waiting for the childPhoto:@fire_bird Maxim and Tatiana have repeatedly shared in interviews that both love children very much and it would be time for them to become parents. But due to the busy sports schedule, the birth of a child was not planned. Well, soon the young parents will have to learn how to combine training and caring for the baby, because the couple plans to compete at the next Olympic Games, which will be held in 2018. Apparently, Volosozhar will return to training shortly after the birth of the child.

