A photo: personal archiveCommunity with everyone needs the same. At sons the difference in the age of nine years. By the appearance of the second was seriously prepared. Tolya was born on August 23, and a week later, Senya went to the second class. But the elder did not throw one on one with problems, left the youngest to the pope and every morning led Arseny to school, to realize how important it is to me. Sometimes even on the baby screaming in a menacing voice (he still does not understand anything), and Senya saw that for me there is no difference between children. It's good when children are interested in each other. We ask the elder: play a little with Tolya. "There is no time," he replies. But then he agrees to hide and seek. Little is serious about this, trying to look for secluded places. And Senya sits in the kitchen and screams at the whole house: "I see you." And what do you think? Tolya with a sigh: "Yes, I'm standing here in the closet" runs out of hiding. Arseny greatly liked the effect, and now he is just playing. The youngest I teach: "Be quiet, he deceives you." But it's worth the eldest threateningly shout: "Oh, there you are," the little one immediately surrenders: "Yes, I'm here behind the curtain all could not fit." We are laughing all over the floor. And here Tolya, who is twice below him, is standing, clasping the eldest behind his knees, and shouting: "I caught Arseny." Well, how can I not laugh? Does not want to grow up? Do not force! If you ask Tolya, who is our baby in the house, he will answer - Arseny. And the senior does not mind. He has such an age now - I do not want to grow up. Sometimes he asks: "Mom, I'm still a child?" He needs tenderness. And I do not care anymore - it's a mahine meter eighty, and it's not worth it. We therefore got him a cat so that he could splash out feelings. The child is a reflection of his parents. His mistakes are your faults. Here, for example, Arseny always loved to go to the store: he helped me to choose food and gifts, he told me. And one day before the New Year we go in, and I do not recognize him, some mad, somewhere in a hurry. I think what happens to him, then I realized: it's all bubbling inside me. I'm twitching, I do not know what to buy, but time is short. But adults know how to behave, and apparently I seem to be calm. And the son, as a mirror, reflected what is happening in my soul. So sometimes you do not have to scold children, but work on yourself. Or here Senya constantly hangs a wet towel on ours. Dad hands in the sides: "How many times to say ...", and I laugh aside, because my husband is the same: he will wash his head and shower in the tub, he rolls around until someone hangs. Or blame children for dinner: "Do not yank each other under the table, do not talk, you need to eat in silence." And as he sits down to them, the first begins, then he touches his foot, then with his hand he talks without stopping. When I point to my husband, he laughs: "After all, it's true."

