Regina Burd with husband Sergey Zhukov, daughter Nikaand the son of AngelFoto: the personal archive of the Zhukovs of Regin’s family, last fall you became a mother for the third time, and in the winter another replenishment occurred in your family - you opened your pastry shop. How do you manage to do everything?
When the eldest daughter Nika was born, andthere was no talk of doing anything else except raising the baby. Then Angel was born, and I again had no time for work. And only with the appearance of Miron did a deep realization come that the hour had come. In fact, I dreamed of a pastry shop since the birth of my first two children, but I was all about them and simply could not do my own business. And the idea of a pastry shop came to mind precisely with the appearance of children - when I began to cook a lot, organize holidays. I wanted to share this joy, to instill in people a love for home gatherings, to make them even more enjoyable with our cupcakes. This is how CupCake Story came about. I manage to do everything because the youngest, Miron, allows it. He is very calm. While the older children are busy in kindergarten and sections, Miron, my assistant and I go on business. I always take the baby with me, we are constantly connected, because I breastfeed him and plan to continue breastfeeding.
1/2Cupcake StoryPhoto:personal archive of the Zhukov familyCupcake StoryPhoto: personal archive of the Zhukov familyIn winter, the country was already in crisis. Weren't you afraid to open your own business when there was total instability all around?
I live by feelings, not by the laws of politics. And so it happened that at that very moment my desires coincided with our and Seryoi’s possibilities. What role do you play in your business?
I do almost everything. Of course, we have professional pastry chefs, but we come up with every recipe, every cupcake. We have something to offer not only the avid sweets, but also vegans, and those who fast, and even those who follow the figure. Our pastry shop offers everyone that will please him and will meet his requirements, this is the uniqueness of Cupcake Story.