In the first years of life, the child learns a lotmovements. At first his actions are awkward, incompetent, inconsistent. Motor skills develop gradually, and each child's formation is at their own pace. In order to help your child better master his movements, it is important to create an active preparatory environment, to offer a variety of games and exercises that promote coordination and improve motor skills. The most fully developed child will help. Sports complex can and should be bought to a child almost from birth.
Choosing a sports complex
A photo: LLC "Early start" When choosing a sports complex for your crumbs, you need to take into account some of the features. The thickness of the crossbeams of the complex should be small - 19-20 mm, so that they can be conveniently grasped with a small handle so that the kid firmly and confidently held on to them.Fingers of the child should almost close,grasping the crossbar of the sports complex. Photo: Early start LLC Do not choose the Swedish wall for your crumb "floor - ceiling", then later (usually after the first fall from the height) to hang the top steps, restricting the child. A low complex will allow the child to engage in (boldly climb to the very top and, more importantly, get down) without the help of his mother.The kid feels confident at lowsports complexPhoto: LLC "Early Start" It is important that the sports complex is functional. He should provide the child with the opportunity not just to climb and get down, but to make a "trip" - to climb from one side, climb to another, hang on the crossbar, get out into the window, moving by stepping steps along the rails along the complex to reach the end of the road. Even better, if in your sports complex it will be possible to change the position of the stairs and crossbeams. Such a complex will never bother the child! Well, finally, do not forget about the hill and the swing. These accessories, favorite by almost all children, will make classes at the complex even more attractive and interesting for the baby. Well, if the hill can be installed at different heights and in different positions. A swing can be hung not only on the sports complex, but, for example, in the doorway.
So, you bought a sports complex
Gorka - not only the most beloved, but also veryuseful accessoryPhoto: Early start LLC If the child is active, easily accepting everything new, then, perhaps, he himself will go to the complex and immediately begin to climb. Be near, but do not stand behind the child (we'll talk about insurance in more detail below). During the lessons at the sports complex the child does not need the help of the parents. If you help the child from the very beginning, then he will rely on your help, and therefore, be afraid to do what you did not do before. And most importantly, he will always be sure that you support him. And this is extremely dangerous! After all, if you divert for a split second, the child, thinking that you are catching him, just let go of your hands and fall not in your arms, but on the floor. If the child from the very beginning of the classes is left to himself on the complex, he will hope only on their own strengths. This will teach him to plan his actions, count them. Learn to insure (in time grab for the crossbar or put your foot in the right place in time), rather than wait and hope for mamu. Remember that your help to the child on the complex is a disservice!The child himself will never climb to where he isfrightfully Photo: Early start LLC In order to avoid injuries while practicing on the complex, in the first place, never provoke a child to do something that he does not know yet. Do not put, do not plant or hang it yourself with your hands where he is not yet able to climb himself. When a child does something by himself, he is able to get out of this exercise himself. And if you hang it or put it, then it is unlikely to be able to quickly figure out how to get out of here. So, remember, the child should be on the complex only there (and in that position), where he can get himself. And a few more important safety rules- Do not use the sports complex without gymnastic mats. - Do not allow children to leave toys on gym mats in the areas of possible falling (jumping) of the baby .- Do not allow children to climb to the sports complex with toys in hand, with food in hand or in the mouth. - A child at the sports complex should be barefoot only .- Do not leave a small child unattended during sports activities! - When using a sports complex with several children, do not allow them to climb up one shell at a time. Creating a suitable environment for a child from a very early age for full physical development, you will ensure his health for many years. Being engaged in a sports complex, your child will become dexterous, active and strong, and this will become a guarantee of his further success in physical development. The article is provided by: Early start LLC 8 800 775 21 82