How to raise your child healthy andhappy, what is a really joyful childhood, what to do to teach a child to be kind, sociable, purposeful, how to praise it properly and whether it is possible to punish, what games to play and what songs to sing - all of this and many other things will be told by simple and clear video lessons from Woman`s Day and the teacher-psychologist Elena Shuvarina.
"I have a perpetual motion machine, an eternal runner, an eternal jumper ..."
Remember, there was such a funny little song about littlechildren? Parents, whose kids have reached the age of 2-3 years, will say: "Yes! It's about my (my)! "Indeed, two-three-year-old guys are men with a" motor ", who seem to be ready 24 hours a day to be worn, capricious, to demand something important for themselves. This is normal, parents are comforted by Elena Shuvarina, a psychology teacher, head of the Development Center for Children and Parents "The House of Joy". "Only in motion does the child know the world. An energetic, active child is so natural, normal, "says Elena. But, you see, sometimes all this activity is tiring for us, parents ... "At this age the kid can not control his own behavior, his actions are sometimes arbitrary. He is very emotional, and his emotions are very unstable, because he enters the most difficult period of his life - the famous crisis of three years, "explains Elena Shuvarina. Yes, this is a "terrible beast", which is often frightened by moms and dads, magazines and websites - a crisis of three years - is not an invention, but an absolutely real phenomenon. Moreover, he can start to appear earlier - from two, and even from one and a half years.
The crisis of three years is normal
At this age, a small man beginsto feel more and more independent and separate personality, having their own desires and preferences. And every day the child manifests, literally struggling for his independence. And yes, often he does it with the help of whims, hysterics and tears. Just do not think that the house has trouble and the nature of your baby is hopelessly spoiled: these manifestations for a child of 2-3 years is a perfectly normal, natural phenomenon. "Each child goes through this period of time, and only your understanding, patient attitude, acceptance will help the child survive this difficult period of life," says Elena Shuvarina. And an experienced pedagogue-psychologist advises as much as possible to talk with his two-three-year-old daughters and sons and, of course, read them children's poems and fairy tales: the point is that it is at this age that the child begins to develop speech very rapidly. And, of course, read your child poems and fairy tales.
How to understand that the crisis has come?
However, what signs will help to point out,that the child is in one of the most difficult periods of life - a crisis of three years? The child wants to do everything himself, he strives for independence in everything; he becomes stubborn and obstinate, insists on something of his own, even on what has long lost interest; categorically refuses to do all that he is asked for, or does everything the other way round - exactly the opposite of what he is being asked for. He often quarrels with his parents and others, strives to impose his will on everyone ... "All these symptoms indicate that the child's attitude towards other people and towards himself changes, and he needs a change in the attitude towards himself from the parents. Do not be afraid of the severity of the manifestation of the crisis - they indicate that the child has the prerequisites for further development. He more and more separates from the adult, more and more shows his independence, "explains Elena Shuvarina.
"Medicine" from the crisis
Yes, dear moms and dads, for us have cometough times! However, through the crisis of three years, absolutely all children are passing through the world. But is it possible to mitigate the manifestations of the crisis and how to help your child safely get out of it? Let's listen to Elena Shuvarin: "First of all, try to see the positive moments in the manifestation of the crisis. For example, stubbornness is the highest manifestation of a child's will, such a quality necessary for him in the future. Capriciousness is a demonstration of one's own importance for others, a sense of one's own self. And it will be much easier for you to accept the changes taking place in the child. "So how can we behave to us, parents? Elena Shuvarina advises to think over the strategy of behavior in relation to the child: with what to cost to reconcile, on what it is necessary to insist? "Do not attach much importance to stubbornness and whims. Usually the peak of manifestation of stubbornness occurs in 2.5-3 years. Do not try, when the child has an attack of stubbornness, something to inspire him - it's useless. Swear in this case, too, does not make sense. Be persistent and consistent. And if the attack of stubbornness happened in a public place, most likely, only one thing will help - take the child by the hand and take him away. " Try to shift the attention of the child, "outwit" it, but most importantly - do not think that your baby will forever remain so self-willed, stubborn and capricious! The crisis is bound to end, and it is up to us adults to decide how painless this difficult period in the life of a growing man will end. So what do you do? We ask Elena Shuvarina: "Maximize your love and acceptance towards the child. Remember that the success of the crisis of three years depends on your patience and understanding. "More good advice from Elena Shuvarina on the website of the Development Center for Children and Parents