Useful tips for the parents of the birthday girl

When preparing a holiday, you need to decide on thenumber of guests and venue. In the countryside, in the garden or in the park, there is plenty of space and fresh air. In the apartment you will need to free the territory for games, moving furniture, removing all fragile things away. how to organize a children's holidayDo preparation with your daughter,consult her on how best to organize a children's party. Photo: GettyOpine in advance with the parents of the invited children, when they are taken away. Write down each part of the holiday by the minute. This will help avoid awkward pauses, hitching, as well as rush and tears, if someone was taken earlier than the game ended. Here are some tips useful for parents:

  • Preparation is also a part of the holiday, actively involve the child in it. Make invitations together.
  • Choose the music, print the desired pictures. About the holiday will recall the photos. You can create a photozone with balls or large images of your favorite fairy-tale characters.
  • Do not cook too many treats. For children, a holiday is first and foremost fun, not food. It will be enough to have fruit, juice, mini sandwiches on the table.
  • It is good, if each of the guests receives something for memory. It can be a prize won in a contest or a thing made in a master class.

Think it over, make a shopping list. You will need balls, sparkles, colored paper for decoration, costumes or materials for their manufacture, prizes for competitions - calendars, erasers, small toys. Garlands, flashlights, candles will come in handy.

Holiday Scenario

The script for the girl's birthday at home can beis made up on a fairy tale theme. Girlfriend girlfriends will go to the magic forest, where they have to turn into fairies and go in search of treasure. Contests can be replaced, new ones can be added. It is important to follow the sequence: first - acquaintance with the rules, then moving games and dances, at the end - quiet classes, so that the children cool down before going home. script for the birthday of the girl at homeA lucky script for the birthday of the girl at homewill give all the guests a good mood Photo: GettyThe host meets the guests and explains that they are waiting for the treasure search. To begin with, you need to find a card hidden inside the balloons. As long as the music sounds, the girls catch balls poured from a big bag, burst, take out pieces of the card and connect them. A few points are indicated on the map:

  • Magic Lake. In a bowl of water there are iron keys. Fishing rods with a magnet you need to catch the one that opens the casket with a magic pollen-confetti. The leader sprinkles every girl with pollen, turning it into a fairy, distributing wings, diadems or caps to everyone. For make-up of fairies, you can use sequins, paste-stickers. Fairies choose badges for themselves with a name. For names suitable names of flowers - forget-me-not, lily of the valley, violet.
  • Glade of flowers. Each of the participants finds a paper flower, on the back of which the task is written. To go further, you need to fulfill it. The tasks are fun and uncomplicated, for example, guessing a riddle, portray a child who does not buy ice cream, draw a butterfly, holding the felt-tip with his teeth.
  • Enchanted swamp. You will need green paper circles. The swamp can be crossed by jumping from a hummock to a hummock. Each time you need to call any round or green object.
  • At the end of the path, the fairies are waiting for a treasure chest -wrapped in shiny paper bracelets, mirrors, hair clips. Each fairy takes itself to a fold. Now that the treasure is found, the fairies can rest and have a snack. At the table, the presenter gives out prizes to the fastest, most resourceful, etc. Nobody should be left without a reward. The holiday ends with the manufacture of magic wands from twisted paper, tinsel and beads. Birthdays that all children like are a cake with candles, gifts, balloons. If you add dances, songs, riddles, you will get a holiday, which the child will remember with a smile for a long time and will thank you when he grows up.

