varnish during pregnancyIs lacquer harmful during pregnancy? Photo: Getty

Can I paint my nails with varnish during pregnancy?

It is always more pleasant to look at a well-groomed woman,therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of doing a manicure, even during pregnancy. To make the procedure absolutely harmless, follow a few simple rules:

  • paint your nails with open window pane or windows, so that the varnish pairs do not stagnate in the room;
  • Choose varnishes, which do not include formaldehydes, toluene, camphor;
  • liquid to remove varnish buy on the basis of medicinal plants and without acetone;
  • Do not buy cheap varnishes, in them, as a rule, high content of harmful substances.

Do not use nail polish during pregnancybefore going to the maternity hospital. Doctors forbid dyeing your nails without any reason. The chemical composition of the varnish sometimes knocks sensors of complex equipment, which may be needed during surgery. A scratched lacquer can get into the baby's mouth during care in the postpartum period.

How to choose a varnish during pregnancy

To be completely calm, that when paintingNails you do not harm the future child, learn to understand the quality of the tools and their composition. Some components can really negatively affect a woman's health in the period of expectation of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the danger may be hidden in, and to exclude harmful lacquers from use. Formaldehyde This substance is capable of provoking oncological diseases when inhaled harmful vapors. But in the amount in which it is contained in nail polish, it can hardly be dangerous, unless, of course, you are going to snort the contents of the bottle all day. Toluene This substance more than others calls into question the possibility of using nail polish during pregnancy. It causes irritation of the mucous membranes, is a poison that can affect the formation of the fetal nervous system. Again, harm to the baby is capable of applying toluene vapor in large quantities, and if you paint your nails 1-2 times a week, then this is not dangerous. Camphor This component is capable of provoking an increase in the tone of the uterus, therefore, especially in the first months of pregnancy, avoid the means that make up this substance. You should not use lacquer during pregnancy by doctors. The main thing - to observe the precautions and to monitor the composition of the means for manicure. Advices to mothers:

