pork meat salad Meat salads are good in that, firstly, very muchquickly prepared. They can be done in just a few minutes: cleaned, cut and mixed. Secondly, this is a wonderful dish for a festive table - it is delicious and very satisfying, so the guests will surely leave contented and happy. We will tell you some interesting and simple recipes that will help diversify your formal or everyday menu. Now you can prepare salads at least every day.

Meat salad with pomegranate seeds

Let's start with the simplest recipe. This salad of tender, soft pork meat is an ideal option for lunch. Of course, a grown man is unlikely to be full of such a dish, so, feed them your child or your beloved. If you want to cook this dish for a romantic evening, serve it to a hot juicy chicken chop and a good wine. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of pork meat
  • two large carrots
  • two eggs
  • Salt and spices - optional
  • walnuts
  • half a grenade
  • delicacy mayonnaise

Cooking method: The initial stage - cooking pork, carrots and chicken eggs. When this procedure is finished, prepare all the ingredients for the salad. To do this, chop the meat, and cut the vegetables and eggs with strips on a large grater. In this order, put all the products in a beautiful salad bowl, each layer lubricating mayonnaise. Salt on your own. Then, clean the pomegranate and walnuts, the latter grind. Sprinkle them with a dish, top with pomegranate juice. Now you can sit at the table - a pleasant appetite! Prepare salads not only with walnuts, but with peanuts, also an incredibly appetizing combination is obtained if you add prunes.

Meat salad with radish and eggs

We offer one more simple dish with meatpork, radish and chicken eggs. This dish is suitable for everyday use. It is low-fat, in addition, such a set of products is available to everyone. As a dressing vegetable oil is used, but at will it can be safely replaced with mayonnaise. Ingredients:

  • radish - 100 grams
  • a few feathers of green onions
  • 100 grams of boiled pork
  • green peas - 80 grams
  • table salt - to taste
  • two eggs

For refueling:

  • 20 grams of ordinary vinegar
  • the same amount of olive oil

Cooking method: About an hour before the start of cooking, cook on low heat in a little salted water meat. Then let it cool and cut into thin strips, radish slices, and chicken eggs in small cubes. Finely chop the green onions, drain the peas from the peas. Then combine all the products in a separate bowl, season with salad and season with olive oil and vinegar sauce. If you like spices, you can add special seasonings or freshly ground pepper (recommend black). salad with pork meat

Salad "Useful" with meat and pickled cucumbers

Lovers of salted salad, because it includes pickled cucumbers. A special flavor of the dish gives garlic, and walnuts "share" with you health. Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of boiled pork meat
  • eight pieces of pickled cucumber
  • three garlic cloves
  • four boiled eggs
  • salt and mayonnaise - to taste
  • one glass of peeled nuts

Cooking method: Pre-cooked meat is parsed into small fibers, you can chop with a knife. After you put it on the bottom of the plate, in which you will serve a salad on the table, and grease with a thin layer of low-fat mayonnaise. Then lay out the next "floor": to do this, peel the cucumber from the peel and seeds, cut into thin strips and mix with chopped garlic teeth. Now turn the eggs: remove the shell from them, grate them and put them on top of the previous products. Do not forget to lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, salt at your discretion. Repeat the sequence several times. Now it remains only to decorate your meat salad. Peeled walnuts with a knife and fry in a hot frying pan without using oil, then sprinkle a dish.

"Basket" salad with meat and vegetables

Such a vegetable set with meat will not leave anyone indifferent! Salads like this, look great on the festive table and are eaten by guests in one sitting. Try it! Ingredients:

  • three large potatoes
  • pickled cucumber - two pieces
  • 100 grams of carrots in Korean
  • 300 grams of low-fat pork meat
  • salt - to taste
  • any hard cheese - 150 grams
  • the same number of pickled mushrooms (we used champignons)
  • bulb - three pieces
  • low-fat mayonnaise - at your discretion
  • olive oil
  • fresh dill (can take frozen)

For marinade:

  • salt and sugar
  • one glass of warm water
  • lemon - one piece

Cooking method: Make a marinade - mix the lemon juice with water, sugar and a small amount of table salt. Put the finely chopped onion into the resulting mixture. Put the tender meat to cook. Peel the potatoes from the skin, remove the excess top of the cheese and grate both products on a medium grater. By the way, this salad can be cooked with both raw and boiled vegetables. When the meat is ready, chop it finely, cut the cucumbers into small cubes, and the mushrooms - mugs. Now grease the edges of the dishes with olive oil and sprinkle with crushed dill. Place mushrooms, marinated onions, 1/2 part of grated potatoes and grease everything with mayonnaise. The next layer consists of boiled pork, marinated cucumbers, onion and potato residues. And the bequesting stage is Korean carrots and hard cheese. Salads that use mayonnaise, experts recommend not to salt, but if desired, you can enter this ingredient. The dish will be soaked for four to five hours - at this time put it on the balcony or in the fridge. Then cover it with a plate and turn it over quickly. In this form, serve the salad basket on the table! salads with pork meat

Salad with corn and meat

Salads with meat can be prepared from a variety ofproducts. If you're hungry, look in the fridge, maybe you'll find some corn in canned food, a few eggs, crackers. Use this recipe, and in ten minutes you will be full. Ingredients:

  • six boiled eggs
  • bulb - two pieces
  • 400 grams of sweet canned corn
  • boiled pork - 300 grams
  • mayonnaise and salt - to taste
  • some crackers

Cooking method: Pre-cooked meat, sort the hands on the fibers, cut eggs into cubes, and onions with thin half rings. With corn drain off any excess liquid and combine all the ingredients in one bowl. Then add a little salt and add mayonnaise, immediately before serving - crackers, mix everything thoroughly. The latter can dry yourself in the oven or in order to save time to buy ready-made in the store.

Salad with sauerkraut and meat

Did you know that sauerkraut can be added to salads? In combination with pork, potatoes and cucumbers, you get quite a mouth-watering and satisfying dish, which we will present to you. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of meat
  • four large potatoes
  • sauerkraut - 200 grams
  • two pieces of salted cucumber
  • two small onions
  • boiled carrots - three pieces
  • mayonnaise packing

Cooking method: Already cooled boiled meat cut in small strips, peel carrots, potatoes and onions from the skin. Cut the ready-made vegetables with small pieces and in a deep bowl, combine with sauerkraut, season with light mayonnaise and mix. As you can see, this salad is prepared in no time. The above-mentioned meat dishes serve as an excellent source of energy and vitamins. Take salads with you to work, give the children to school, and no one in your family will not starve. We advise you to read:

