What benefits does a family with a disabled person have?

The privileges of a disabled child are regulatedlegislation. When a child grows up in a family, certain rights extend to his parents or guardians. In this case, the family is seen as a unit that should be provided with state support, taking into account the illness of a small family member.the rights of a disabled childThe rights of disabled children are called upon to provide him with a decent life. Photo: GettyAll kinds of family privileges with a disabled child can be divided into the following groups:

  • pension;
  • housing;
  • transport;
  • medical;
  • tax.

There are different types of support for parents according tolabor legislation, assistance in ensuring the education and treatment of the baby. Under the law on state pensions, the kid receives a social pension and an additional payment to this amount. His compelled non-working mother or guardian state pays 60% of the minimum monthly wage. A mother who has reached the age of 50 starts receiving a pension from the state, but only if her working experience is 15 years. The period of care of the baby is included in the length of service. One of the conditions for obtaining a pension from this age is to raise your child to 8 years. Moms are entitled to this pension, even if the baby is already dead.

Protection of a woman with a sick child under labor law

A woman with a sick child can claimreduced working day or short week. It is protected from overtime or compulsory business trips. She can not be denied admission to work or to lower her salary because of a sick baby. It can not be dismissed if the enterprise continues to exist.

Housing and transport privileges

Families with sick children have prioritythe right to a dwelling, if they need it. There is a list of diseases in which you can claim these benefits. In some cases, the invalid has an additional area of ​​10 square meters. m. Families with disabled people pay only 50% for communal services. A child with a disability can travel for free in urban and suburban transport. It can be accompanied by 1 adult, who also does not need to pay for travel. The taxi is not included in this list. A child once a year can be taken free of charge to the place of treatment and back. He is entitled to a 50% discount on trains, airplanes and other transport for trips to other cities from October 1 to May 15. Rights and privileges are legislated, but they are not always readily voiced on the ground. Getting acquainted with the law will help you get the payments due and the services you need.

