red hands of the childRed hands of the child: how to treat? Photo: Getty

The red hands of the child: what's the reason?

If a problem is detected, it is in no waypostpone the trip to the doctor. It is necessary to establish the cause and proceed to quality treatment. Among the factors provoking the problem, there may be both allergic reactions, dermatitis, and the condition of internal organs. Because of a congenital tendency to allergies, the child has redness on his hands, in particular on the palms. The whole area of ​​the palm, and fingers, including covered with a small rash, the bubbles are filled with a clear liquid, burst. The skin becomes crusted, itches.

Dermatitis: the child has red rough hands

This kind of pathology arises from external factors:

  • The kid is studying the world, everything is taken with his own hands.
  • During the study, he can grab for soap,Detergent, cosmetics, powders, cream. In the same way as with congenital allergies, the skin turns red, blisters with fluid appear, they burst and cracks appear.
  • The child has red rough hands, the pathology is accompanied by itching.
  • Cracks cause pain and without the doctor's intervention, problems can not be eliminated.

At the child red hands, are scratched: the reason in other diseases

Infected with fungal skin can also cause redness. In this case, the hand is scratched strongly, spots appear, are shelled.

  • With such diseases as tonsillitis, bronchitis, liver, kidney failure can swell the palms of the child, red hands are itchy, including fingers.
  • In addition to this symptom, there may not be other signs of a particular ailment. Therefore, a complete examination of the body, the delivery of tests, consultation of a qualified doctor is necessary.
  • With allergic provocation caused by external factors, the administration of antihistamines is prescribed.
  • Allergic dermatitis provides for a comprehensive treatment - taking medicines and applying hormonal and non-hormonal ointments, gels.
  • In cases where redness is caused by other types of diseases - colds, impaired kidneys, liver, a thorough examination is necessary.

With the elimination of viral infections, curesinflammatory processes, the red hands of the child will take the same form, roughness will not bother anymore. And yet, watch your child, try to limit it from contact with allergens, red fruits and vegetables. Read further:

