Dry rare cough in the baby: causes
Occasional coughing is normal forbabies. It often occurs in the morning, as the respiratory tract clears itself of mucus accumulated overnight. Up to 10 coughs during the day are considered normal.A rare cough in a child is a symptomworthy of attention of parentsPhoto: Getty If the symptom constantly haunts the baby, there is reason to think. Most likely, it is a manifestation of a serious disease. Usually in such cases the following is diagnosed:
- infectious diseases: influenza, ARVI;
- inflammation of adenoids;
- chronic rhinitis;
- an allergic rhinitis.
Children under three years of age do not know how to properlycough, so treatment of flu, acute respiratory viral infection or pneumonia can take several weeks. Infections are the most common cause of coughing. The second important factor is a runny nose of various origins. Mucus forms in the sinuses, which flows down the nasopharynx. At the same time, it irritates the respiratory tract and causes a reflex cough. The causes of the problem are not always “on the surface”. The symptom can be caused by frequent stress, sudden changes in temperature, heart and lung problems, physical overwork, or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract.
Treatment Tips
The method of treating a cough depends on the factors causing it:
- If it provokes overdried air in the room, ventilate the room more often, install an air humidifier.
- If the symptom is allergic, eliminate contact with the allergen.
- If the problem is associated with a respiratory disease, you need a comprehensive treatment, including taking drugs that suppress the cough reflex, or expectorants.
- If the child has a bad sputum, provide him with an abundant drink: tea, compotes, decoctions of useful plants.
A cough that lasts more than three weeks andbothers 3-4 times a year, usually caused by chronic diseases. To get rid of it, you need to undergo a full examination by a doctor and identify the root cause. Only effective treatment prescribed by a specialist will help to say goodbye to the problem. See also: