The royal family of England has some hiddenmagic. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand why they are so loved all over the world. And they follow the news from Buckingham Palace, as if there are living relatives there. But the monarchs are not in a hurry to satisfy everyone's curiosity. On any talk shows they are not often met, interviews are also infrequent. Therefore, the revelations of Prince William on Vietnamese (!) Television instantly dispersed through the Internet. In Asia, the prince went, however, not to chat on cameras, but to support the fight against the illegal trade in wild animals. However, one does not interfere with one another. At the show, it was, of course, the William family.Photo: SplashNews "I was very lucky. Kate is very supportive of me, she is an amazing mother and a fantastic wife, "- a curtsey to her husband:" When children are born, your life changes. I adore my children. I learned a lot about myself and understood what a family is, only when I had my own children "- this is about the happiness of being a father." Education is a struggle. Sometimes I just get out of my power. This process is amazing ups and surprising falls. "The 34-year-old prince is given a difficult father's role. And he looks like an ideal family man! That's what spouse support means. William called his three-year-old son, Prince George, a little rascal. "He makes me walk on tiptoe, but he's my sweet boy" - solid mi-mi-mi, like any parent. But the girl - it's generally something new for the prince. He had no sisters. Therefore, to his one and a half-year-old daughter Charlotte, he just gets used to it. "A girl is a completely different matter. I'm still learning how to understand what it is - a daughter in the family. "And before the curtain formulated his main educational postulate:" I would like to see Charlotte and George look at the world easier, take care of those who surround them. And indeed, they treated others as they would like to be treated by themselves. "

