Features of children born before 35-36 weeks

Externally premature babies are different from full-term babies, as they did not have time to form in the womb until the end.premature babies consequences in the futurePreterm infants may have consequences in the futurePhoto: Getty Here are their main features:

  • Small size and body weight. Usually the weight of the premature baby does not exceed 2.5 kg. However, the child does not look dystrophic, because its weight corresponds to growth.
  • Disproportionate body. The arms and neck are shorter than the required length, the navel is located lower than in full-term babies.
  • The body covers abundantly the first-born fluff - lanugo.
  • Girls have immature labia, so there is a gaping gap.
  • The boys have an empty scrotum, the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity or in the inguinal canals, since they drop only by the end of pregnancy.
  • Nails are not fully formed.
  • The auricles are soft. They can stick together and wrap themselves inside.
  • Small fontanel is open.
  • There is hyperemia.

The earlier the child was born, the more pronounced the features described.

Possible problems in adulthood in children born at 7-8 months of pregnancy

The main problem of premature babies is that they do notall their organs are finally formed. In particular, the digestive system did not have time to form until the end, which makes it difficult to digest food. However, premature babies on these indicators quite quickly catch up with peers. In the future, the effects of prematurity are manifested in preschool and early childhood. Preterm infants are more difficult to learn and absorb information. It is necessary to deal with them additionally. The full intellectual development of premature babies also requires a little more time. Of the most rare and unpleasant consequences is the rapid development of certain diseases. Most often they concern vision, hearing and nervous system. How serious such problems will manifest themselves depends on the therapy chosen by the physician. If your baby was asked to light ahead of time, do not panic, just trust doctors. Premature babies require a little more attention, but the main indicators usually do not differ from children born on time.

