sleeping babyPhoto: Getty Images

  • In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetal ultrasound may not be visible: he is still "walking" in the area allocated to him, but the future baby is already beginning to form a head.
  • At the sixth week the embryo begins to beata tiny heart. Of course, hearing it with a stethoscope does not work, but on ultrasound research - it's fine. It knocks at a speed of 150 beats per minute, which is the norm.
  • On the tenth week of pregnancy, a toddler with a strawberry berry. Half of its length is a head.
  • Ear pads and lobes appear already on thethe twelfth week, when even the appearance of a future mother is not even outwardly visible, and the size of the baby is about 7 cm. Just imagine how small they are ... And the baby can already wrinkle the lips, make faces and threaten with fists.
  • The first movements of the baby can be felt alreadyat the 14th week, provided that the pregnancy is second or third. They look like bursting vesicles in the abdomen. The kid, meanwhile, has grown fond of sucking a finger and can already discern the sweet taste of amniotic fluid if the mother has cracked on the yummy ones.
  • At the 17th week the baby is already quite active, the likelihood of feeling a stir is much higher. What's remarkable, he can already be afraid of sharp sounds.
  • If the kid decided to frolic at night looking, and my mother can not fall asleep, start remembering the lullabies. Since the 18th week he hears all the sounds and is ready to react to them.
  • Studies prove that in 23 intrauterine weeks, babies are able to see dreams.
  • Sometimes the child's movements are rhythmic. Most often this means that he hiccups. They say that the baby is training the lungs and is preparing to take his first breath.
  • At 29 weeks, the baby begins to accumulate fat. What's funny, mostly around the cheeks. So conceived by nature, to develop the ability to suck mother's breast.
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