How to increase platelets in children?
Reduced platelets in children: causes
Platelet count is one of thethe most important indicators of health. After all, these cells participate in the processes of blood clotting and healing of damaged areas of blood vessels. A decrease or increase in the number of platelets in a child may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Most often, there is a condition when the level of these blood cells in a child is reduced. It is called thrombocytopenia. This condition is dangerous because the blood does not clot well and the slightest injury can cause severe bleeding. A decrease in the level of platelets can be caused by various factors:
- taking certain medications: antibiotics, analgesics, diuretics or corticosteroids;
- anemia;
- infection with parasites;
- malnutrition;
- lack of certain vitamins;
- poisoning by chemicals;
- Infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, measles or rubella.
Thrombocytopenia is very dangerous because the walls of the vessels become thin. The most common complication of this condition is internal bleeding and large blood losses.
How to understand that the child's platelets are lowered
The level of formed elements of the blood is determined by analysis. But parents can understand without it that the child's platelets are low. This is indicated by the following symptoms:
- on the body bruises and bruises often appear;
- nasal or intestinal bleeding;
- after the slightest damage to the skin, it is very difficult to stop the blood;
- on the skin there may be red dots, asterisks;
- after cleaning teeth gums bleed.
If you notice such symptoms, it is time to do a blood test and see a doctor to decipher it.
Food to increase platelets in children
Treatment of thrombocytopenia is prescribed taking into accountосновного заболевания, явившегося ее причиной. Но очень важно родителям знать, как вести себя с таким ребенком. Для больного малыша нужна опека взрослых, соблюдение мер по предотвращению кровотечений. Нужно защищать его от травм. Ребенок должен меньше двигаться, хорошо высыпаться, много бывать на свежем воздухе и правильно питаться. Именно питание эффективно для повышения тромбоцитов у детей. Есть продукты, которые способствуют разжижению крови. Их нужно исключить из питания ребенка с тромбоцитопенией. Это имбирь, томатный сок, цитрусовые, малина, огурцы, клюква и некоторые другие продукты. Ребенку с тромбоцитопенией нужно изменить рацион питания. Его нужно обогатить продуктами, богатыми витаминами С, А и В. Родителям нужно стараться, чтобы ребенок придерживался следующих правил:
- I used as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible;
- abandoned canned food and products with artificial flavors and dyes;
- excluded from food acute dishes, too hot and cold, and rough food, capable of damaging the mucosa of the digestive tract;
- did not eat high-calorie meals.
Питание, повышающее тромбоциты у детей, должно include the following products: nuts, parsley, eggs, buckwheat and rice, liver, sea fish, legumes, pomegranates, melons, flaxseed oil and beets. It is useful to add sesame oil to food. If there is a risk of internal bleeding, the food should be gentle: not hot, not spicy and pureed. It is advisable to additionally take vitamin supplements recommended by the doctor. Parents need to be very attentive to the health of the child. At the slightest suspicion of a change in the blood composition, you must consult a doctor for an examination. Read also: